on 20-03-2013 04:39 PM
Hi everyone!
As someone who has been casually selling things on ebay for years I should know this but...
Can a seller have multiple accounts ie. one to sell one kind of products and a second account to sell a another? Also, does this second/new account start with zero feedback and my current feedback (all positive by the way, not trying to hide anything!) would not be transfered to a second account?
Apologies if this has been covered ad nauseam, I have looked but perhaps not far enough back.
Thanks 🙂
on 20-03-2013 04:43 PM
yes, you can have as many selling or buying ebay accounts as you like, the only stipulation is that each has its own unique email address (can be hotmail or gmail a/c too).
you can link up to (I think)8 IDs to one paypal account.
however, no a/c can interact with any of your other accounts and NO you cannot transfer/share feedback from any of the separate accounts.
on 20-03-2013 04:43 PM
Yes, you can have multiples account but always feedback start from 0, and feedback cannot be tranfered to other accounts
on 20-03-2013 04:44 PM
Yes you can have several ebay accounts to buy or sell on .
Each account must have a different email address. Each new account you open starts with zero feedback. Feedback is not and can not be transferred to another account.
on 20-03-2013 04:45 PM
LOL tooooo slooooow
on 20-03-2013 04:51 PM
Thanks to all of you!
You have confirmed what I thought I knew but needed to hear from others with more experience.
Now to try out some new ideas and think of another ebay i.d!
Thanks again.
on 20-03-2013 05:01 PM
Thanks to all of you!
You have confirmed what I thought I knew but needed to hear from others with more experience.
Now to try out some new ideas and think of another ebay i.d!
Thanks again.
Cheese & spinach scones-yum :^O
Ok,ok,I have no imagination but you could always ask for some ideas here.There was a thread like that way back,it was VERY funny but I can't remember if the OP ever went with any of the suggestions lol
I would presume you may want an id that resembles what you're going to be selling ?
on 20-03-2013 05:27 PM
Lol, I'll have a look for that thread!
Unfortunately I won't be selling cheese or spinach or scones but somebody will like your idea!
on 20-03-2013 07:10 PM
just a heads up, your email address cannot be your ebay ID
(I found out after I got a new gmail addy)
for example if you want to be
berrytarts on ebay your email address cannot be berrytarts@hotmail
it can be berryt @hotmail or tartyone@hotmail but never the same as the ID.