on 05-09-2012 10:33 PM
Howdy and yes I couldnt even last 12 hours without a store:-)
I have a question:
I have several DVDS that I have multiples of, one I have about 40
If I did one listing with 40 as available, does 40 count towards the selling limit or does only one count? I think if I listed 40, i only get a 5 cent fee?
Any help would be greatly appreciated 😄
on 05-09-2012 11:41 PM
If I did one listing with 40 as available, does 40 count towards the selling limit or does only one count? I think if I listed 40, i only get a 5 cent fee?
Unfortunately, yes - the listing limit applies to quantity of items rather than quantity of listings (so, if your 260 limit is still in place, one listing for 40 items will take it down to 220). It will only cost the 5c insertion fee, though.