My Post Business - check your labels!

I recently changed to printing labels through My Post Business to get that sweet volume discount since ebay isn't offering a discount anymore, so I don't know if this is a common glitch or not or has been mentioned but I thought it important to share so everyone checks their labels before printing. I imported my ebay orders, created a label paid and went to print it. However the pdf they gave me was a label created by someone elses company for some other customer, not mine. I noticed the name was wrong and double checked and nope this is not my customer then noticed the sender is also not me. And apparently you can't cancel labels through the MPB site (if you can please let me know how!) so I am about to call them to fix this. Thought I'm not sure if I should cancel it as it might cause problems for the company whose label it actually is? I've also emailed the sender company from the label I received to let them know just in case they also got an incorrect label. I have tried going to my order history to reprint but I just keep getting the same wrong label, though payment has been taken from my paypal so at the moment it looks like I'm paying for their delivery until AP fixes it.


Just thought I'd share, there may be post label gremlins about so make sure you check those labels!

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Re: My Post Business - check your labels!

MyPost for Business is a dreadful long winded interface for postage.  It is tedious and lengthy process to input, pay and print postage.  I also moved to MyPost to garner better postage discount but it has been a labour of love ?


Oddly, we just logged into Mypost and it is not working, so maybe you have discovered another Privacy Breach and they are scrambling to fix it ?  I am sure you will not be the only one I reckon.


While we are on this topic, does anyone else have issues trying to print the barcode clearly from the Adobe formatted label file ?  Our 200dpi thermal label printer cannot print the bars clearly, due to the high resolution file and number of bars in the vertically formatted code.  We only have success when using a 300dpi laser printer.

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Re: My Post Business - check your labels!

I use a laser printer that compared to other printer formats gives the best results I find. Had someone comment once how black the lables appear, can't remember what they where using.

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Re: My Post Business - check your labels!

A thermal label printer makes shipping so much easier, the vast majority are 200dpi and will print any shipping barcode except Australia Post MyPost which formats them vertically down the label.  Nearly every other shipping service print them horizontally including eParcel ?


To print MyPost vertical barcodes using a thermal printer you need a 300dpi unit which cost a lot more money <GROAN>.


Oddly, the barcodes on the eBay labels print perfectly at 200dpi ?

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Re: My Post Business - check your labels!

I have the Dymo 4XL and it prints them fine from MPB, not sure how many DPI it is though.

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