Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

Community Member



I have just received a negative feedback with a positive comment "Good Service".


Whilst I have send the buyer and email asking them if it has been left by mistake and if I can send them a feedback revision, I was wondering if this would be removed as the comment does not reflect the negative.


Buyers that receive positive feedback with negative comment can have them removed, just interested if it works the other way.


Have a great day


Message 1 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

Ring up eBay and ask.

If they will remove it they will do it for you straight away. If they won't removed it you have to wait for your buyer's reply.

Message 2 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

I read somewhere else that buyers using mobile ebay apps often have trouble with this issue. Positives are being left as a neg dot. Its an issue with the actual app.

Ask ebay to remove it, i dont see why it cant be done.


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Message 3 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

I have a nuetral with "good" and ebay wouldn't remove that

Message 4 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

I read somewhere else that buyers using mobile ebay apps often have trouble with this issue.

Is this only a problem with the iPhone App? I have the eBay app on my Android phone and it's set to Positive as default..


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 5 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?


I have just received a negative feedback with a positive comment "Good Service".

Of-course, that could just mean that while they were happy with the service they are not happy with the overalls.

It will be interesting to see if eBay will remove it; they seem to be removing lots of NEGs lately.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 6 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

I read somewhere else that buyers using mobile ebay apps often have trouble with this issue.


Is this only a problem with the iPhone App? I have the eBay app on my Android phone and it's set to Positive as default..


There is no problem with the iPhone App - there never was. 

Gawd knows where these stories come from, but they often end up turning into "urban myth".


This is what the screen looks like, and there is no way that you could "accidentally" leave a neg...


iPhone leaving feedback



Message 7 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

There is no problem with the iPhone App - there never was.

Gawd knows where these stories come from, but they often end up turning into "urban myth".

There were several people coming here over the past year or so saying that they left positive FB, with positive comment and it showed up as NEG.  Most of them used their iPhone, and they swore they were clicking the correct button.  They were upset and came to AC asking how to change it.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 8 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

Sorry Patchoo, the quote should have been attributed to Coops; I have removed the wrong bits   😞


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 9 of 11
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Negative but positive comment can it be removed?

Community Member

Thanks for all your comments,


Ebay wont remove and buyer hasn't replied so I will just have to cop it sweet and hope that it doesn't multiply.


Message 10 of 11
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