Netflix tax

Just got an email from ebay...


From 1 July 2017, Goods and Services Tax (GST) will apply to fees on, due to new legislation in Australia (the "Netflix Tax").

Businesses registered for GST will not be affected by this change if you register your Australian Business Number (ABN) with eBay here.


Anyone else feel a fee increase coming to cover this....



Message 1 of 276
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275 REPLIES 275

Netflix tax

Oh and I forgot. It's a fair tax. The fact it might screw a few sellers around frankly is irrelevant. It' fair or it isn't and in my view it's fair.

Message 261 of 276
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Netflix tax

@character_parties_aus wrote:
You are a very astute poster but to be honest I got bored to death after the first sentence. I charge GST I pay GST and I pay my taxes. If you charge GST pay GST and pay your taxes its straight forward. If you don't then you probably should be. It's as simple as that.

digi was not just posting for your benefit, the post was for anyone who reads this thread in it's entirety even if it was in reply to your post.


The bit I have bolded above says a lot (and readers can make of that whatever they want).


edit: I meant that readers can draw any conclusions they want of the fact that I chose to bold some text in my quote of your post, not that they should draw any conclusions about you because of the bolded text.  Just wanted to clarify.

Message 262 of 276
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Netflix tax

@character_parties_aus wrote:
You are a very astute poster but to be honest I got bored to death after the first sentence.

A compliment and then an insult in the first sentence......





Message 263 of 276
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Netflix tax

I can't see that I insulted you anywhere but my eBay store is awful. were my facts incorrect?
Message 264 of 276
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Netflix tax

@character_parties_aus wrote:
I can't see that I insulted you anywhere but my eBay store is awful. were my facts incorrect?

that you can not see that you posted an insult speaks volumes.

Message 265 of 276
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Netflix tax

@character_parties_aus wrote:
I can't see that I insulted you anywhere but my eBay store is awful. were my facts incorrect?

Perhaps I have misinterpreted, but I don't actually see that many facts in your last few posts, I primarily see opinion, and some (in my personal opinion) questionable advice. 


I responded to your post initially because I felt that advising people to register for GST to avoid paying it on eBay fees was, to put it bluntly, irresponsible, particularly without giving any reference to the full range of implications of doing so.


Despite interpreting it as an attempted insult, I'm actually ok with my reply being 'boring' (hence my previous post), because I know I was at least trying to be both factual and helpful in response to a post that I viewed as neither. 

Message 266 of 276
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Netflix tax

Message 267 of 276
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Netflix tax

@collect.i wrote:

NOT missing the point at all. Because of eBay's high fees the GST is now a large impost.


If fees were 5% say, the GST would only be 0.5%. Would live with that.


Of course eBay would fight against this tax cause they know seller's pain threshold will now be breached!!!!


Can't believe people are sticking up for them. 

Mate, I see what you mean apart from some members here. They could have included GST in their fees not addignig them on top. Then all businesses registered would gain from it and non-registered would not pay even an extra cent. However it seems that what all big companies do. They do not care about their customers, who cares that 1000-10000swill leave, tehy have millions of them. Skype is adding it in top I a sure Paypal will add it on top. I use quickbooks online cloud service subscription with a company located in London. They are  adding  it on top of their fees too.


It is quite "funny", because a small buisness would include it in their price to keep their customers happy. For 9 years in my business my product prices are the same, some of them are even half price of what I used to sell them before. Can you say the same about eBay and other company prices for 9 years. All went up a lot.


When I registered for GST I did not increase my prices even a cent making them GST inclusive. So I lost 10% of my turnover to keep my customers happy. It seems it is never a case with all these big corporations. Try to call them with any problem with your customers and they will start giving you stupid advises about how you should make your customers happy but in reality they will do complete opposite to their own.



Decoroo - Custom made wooden products
Message 268 of 276
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Netflix tax

It's not Ebay who are paying the taxes it is every seller whether they are in NSW Australia and sell it to someone in Australia they are paying the GST to Ebay


You may  havepaid  GST on the item when you first purchased it  and then when you want toget ridofitonEbay are paying GST again onyourfinal feeand listingfee - listing used to be $1.50 - it is now $1.65 (GST added)

Message 269 of 276
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Netflix tax

Well said- I am going to Gumtree and FB
Message 270 of 276
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