New Items rollIing over problem

Just got over phone to ebay. I am on the free listings till 6th, but found 1 has been taken off my 40 leaving 39. I checked the number and it is a listing that ends in 18 hours. Now that has not rolled over yet as I usually end and relist anyway, but ebay told me it relisted today, and explained as I listed on the 2/7 the 30 days is up, even tho it still shows as 17h 55 mins left. I did explain if it rolled over it should be 30 days not listed for 20 hours which was impossible!!! I listed an item while talking to ebay and that showed up as 30 days 23 hours. She them remembered a new memo went out that said all listings were now just 30 days. Meaning the time left on ebay is null and void. I said I thought that would be misleading to sellers and she said it was making things simpler!!!! I must have been too intelligent before as it was too much for me to understand now. Why update but mislead sellers now I asked?  Why not update the ebay page? Asked for a supervisor as it was all too much and I needed to go over and over everything to show the ebay girl waht the problem even was.I thoght she was new but she said she had been with ebay 3 years. Now need a strong black coffee to clear my head with all this!!!

Does anyone know for sure what is happening. I found it simple before to see when an item was finishing and end it myself and decide what to list and when.

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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

Re: New Items rollIing over problem

Listings are actually supposed to tick over once per month now, as the 30 day cycle is the old system.


Under the 30-day cycle, a listing could tick over 12-13 times in a one year period, depending, since 12 x 30 is 360 days, while there's 365 in a year.


With the new system, it's like a store subscription where it's one cycle per calendar month, so they can only ever tick over 12 times a year, and the duration in February is 28 days (sometimes 29), and in july it should be 31 days. 


It seems there are a few anomalies being created with this system being implemented - some sellers have noticed listings with a 40+ day duration before their next cycle, presumably to align it with the new system and get things back on track, while now there is also this - the listing itself seems to maybe be on the new clock, while the promotions are on the old one? 

Message 3 of 16
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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

So we can not rely on the time left anymore?  If so what does time left mean please?

Message 4 of 16
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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

@justcruising49 wrote:

 If so what does time left mean please?

I think if I could answer anything about what time meant, I could probably quit my day job Smiley Very Happy


Joking aside, I feel like this is one of those things that will eventually be ironed out with time. Hopefully, anyway (i.e. the systems will sync up properly after all of the little anomalies have been dealt with). But in the mean time it's "just eBay things". 

Message 5 of 16
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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

Thanks, pleased I am not alone trying to work it out, so confusing. I now have no idea then when I am supposed to end my listings before they roll over as I always relied on time left

Message 6 of 16
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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

I have just noticed the same thing, one of my items is not near ending with 21hrs to go. But It has been rolled over and saying its the 2nd of July.

I take off a few hours before it finishes, looks like it will be 2 days now, if I don't want some to roll over.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

I am wondering what will happen in 17 hours when it is supposed to roll over. 

Message 8 of 16
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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

My item has now rolled over, and have 30 days and 23hs left on it. They did  it too another one of my listings, so must be going to do it to the lot. So if you don't want any to rollover take them off over 1 day before its due.

Message 9 of 16
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Re: New Items rollIing over problem

Just noticed they have taken 3 off my quota, only 1 has rolled over and another soon, and only 2 ID numbers, so looks like they are going to do it twice on each one. Thats its will be ending them 2 days before they are due, until they fix there stuff up.
Message 10 of 16
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