New Management Payment System - Things that don’t work for Sellers, Ebay please help!

They say the only things you can count on is death & Taxes! 

Change happens unfortunately whether we like it or not! Sadly, I liked my payments going to PayPal and used it as a type of kitty fund! I could leave it there and use it without affecting bank balances or feel guilty and use it to buy business items. But change happens and it never changes back as much as we would like it too!


However, there are some things that are fundamentally not working for me as a seller. And I am sure there are others and welcome further contributions from other sellers to hopefully have these issues rectified. 

1. Ebay notification has NO buyer information on the email. This is absurd! For taxation records this is just plain silly. It is just an obscure email stating that an item has sold. This document the only one we now receive should be a complete document to show all the required information. We have to keep records for tax purposes up to five years, please rectify this issue on your sales notifications or provide a sales receipt with this information for sellers.


2. The Sales Record in Ebay on the purchase is not user friendly! I cannot copy and paste using a tablet, I don’t know what it looks like from a desktop but it is terrible from a tablet. I have a business account with Australia Post and the information does not transpose over cleanly. This needs to be a better visually user friendly view. In your postage recommendations you say to copy & paste the relevant tracking numbers to ensure correct data is added, please it needs to go both ways, please rectify this! 

Please add any further issues you have found with this new change to this thread and hopefully we can get something done with these issues and concerns. 

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Re: New Management Payment System - Things that don’t work for Sellers, Ebay please help!

A member has replied that you may not be comfortable giving details to paypal - just to clarify, it is not PAYPAL requesting the details, they already have them since you would have had to register with them to sell on eBay in the first place.

It is Adyen the new payment processor for eBay that require new documents and they are a financial entity like a bank and registered in Australia.

To continue selling you need to follow the guidelines to continue to use eBay as they are switching most sellers to MP thru ADYEN


eBay no longer use Paypal so all the links and horror stories can be disregarded, and  hope this members misinformation has not confused you.


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Re: New Management Payment System - Things that don’t work for Sellers, Ebay please help!

No mis-info a member who was giving accounts of some not so good happenings with PayPal. Just a narrative of what has taken place.  Fact!

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Re: New Management Payment System - Things that don’t work for Sellers, Ebay please help!

It is completely irrelevant to the post(s) you've replied to.


Both the OP  and SCWL have complaints due to issues either getting registered or working with managed payments, but both posters are either looking for solutions or the complaint is about the lack of current solutions and assistance achieving a resolution to their complaint. 


You posting about whether or not you would provide ID, and links to threads about PayPal issues, is nothing but a red herring in that context, and serves no purpose here except to cheer on the one poster who has already made their decision to leave eBay over the requirements and therefore does not need further convincing. 


Use Pom Poms next time. 




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Re: New Management Payment System - Things that don’t work for Sellers, Ebay please help!

"No mis-info a member who was giving accounts of some not so good happenings with PayPal. Just a narrative of what has taken place.  Fact!"


Then find a Paypal thread and put those "facts" in there. Sellers on this thread asking about "managed payments" do not deal with Paypal at all, even if the buyer pays by Paypal those funds are passed to Ayden to process.


Edit. Spot on Digi.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
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Re: New Management Payment System - Things that don’t work for Sellers, Ebay please help!

Totally agree re PayPal. Was better under the old system. We also used the PayPal balance as a quarantined 'kitty', to be used as a buffer.

Star Components

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