New part-time seller here!!!

Hi guys ! My name is Claudia and I'm new here. I just started an ebay part-time business while doing my studying in Australia.

By saying that, I would like to have some pieces of advice from all the experienced/ power seller out there of how did you guys start up your business in ebay, and become successful.

I'm having my problems right here. I'm just wondering why is that I have already done researches about how to resell on ebay.But still my postings have zero viewers. And they don't really sell.

P/S: researches as in looking up the "sold items/ completed items", analysed what's the demand in Australia's market. 

Hope someone will help here !!



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New part-time seller here!!!

just a sidenote.. pay no attention to the "views" your listing may or may not have. they haven't been working correctly for weeks now - a lot of mine show zero and ive viewed them myself and have got others to view the listings to test it out :] good luck in the market you're in.. you'll need it! :]

Message 11 of 12
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New part-time seller here!!!

What does "Choose merchants carefully" mean that appears in your listings?


You must include the size in the title.


You don't need to have access to a professional photographer's light (most of us don't), but can I suggest you get yourself a piece of cream coloured fabric* (sorry chameleon, but I don't think you need a range of colours) , which you can hang in a well-lit window, and hang the garments in front of it** (a mannequin is best, but a hanger will do, but please NEVER on a bed***, or heaven forbid, the floor). Take your photos on an overcast day, or if sunny, not in direct sunlight. This will allow for the softer more diffuse lighting that seems to work best.


* I use a cream bunny rug

** my mannequin has a hook at the top, which I hang on one of those S-shaped hooks used for hanging baskets, which hangs on the curtain rail.

*** the angle is always wrong

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