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No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

1 sale totalling $6.50 in 8 days

Message 1 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

@dotm2004 wrote:


I have had the worst few months in my eBay life  ๐Ÿ˜ž


Fingers crossed .... the last couple of weeks have picked up a bit, but not nearly to what it used to be.   I refuse to pay to list items, as I buy my items and don't make a huge profit.  At present, I try use up every FREE listing (from the promotions) and list the 40 monthly ones spread over the month.


I used to get a great pleasure from selling  .... especially when an items gets several bids ... but all of that is in the past    .... usually just the one bid now.     I don't think I could go on without the few regulars I have who use combined postage.


Let's hope we'll turn the corner soon ๐Ÿ™‚   ..... but reading the above comments, I don't hold out a lot of hope.



Yes dotm, l could not agree more Another thing that l have noticed, that has not been mentioned yet by anybody, is that when you place a BIN or make an offer, you get "idiots" offering you "scrap" value offers. l had one "offer" on a set of Australian Coins, which l offered FREE POSTAGE, and was "offered" $20  (AP postage was $21.95) yea, right on "bidder".


One can almost see the eagles circling to pick the prime pieces of ebay items out, before the death null. Reminds one of the carpet baggers who swooped on southern plantations, after the American Civil War.


@l have been reading on the ebay USA Site, very concerning, if ebay USA has trouble with a population of 270 million, how about us then ?  l, as others believe, worrying times ahead, if not already.  We are well and truly on our own, help from ebay, you can hear a pin drop.   Only the cash registers are jingling @ HQ eBay, with monthly store fee's, etc.


Sorry folks, but l think we have booked a ticket on the RMS TITANIC, it is every man & woman for themselves, must provide your own Lifeboat.





Message 41 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

@retailtherapist_8 wrote:

I totally agree with everyone!


Its like a ghost town.......I too am not purchasing any stock and havent for a while.

I am dealing with a few silly buyers offering sometimes no more than 10 or 20c in the dollar for items. 

I have gone form a healthy monthly tunover to next to nothing thank goodness its not income I rely on.

I feel for those Sellers who do rely on ebay sales it must be devastating for them.


Ebay need an agressive marketing campaign on both traditional forms of media and social media IMO.

I just dont get a company that passively sits back and lets its base market erode like this. I get the whole big traders and China market is lucrative thing however its a flawed model if you put all your eggs in just a few baskets.

I would loveeeee a read of ebays 2015/16 business plan lol. 


Yes, tell me all about it, had the same thing.  Like Rats coming out of the woodwork, try to offer you a mere pittance for your items ......when this happens, you know we are doomed.  l am not a defeatist, just a realist.  lf l did not know better, l would be left to believe that ebay had this course of action, planned long ago, even as far as 2012.  Planned (2012), but not implemented.  What do others think ?????

Message 42 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

Yes, I can understand how you feel about low offers. I have sold on gumtree before and had some people offer ridiculous amounts and not in a polite way either. Puts your back up.


But.. I thought ebay offered an automated way for sellers to filter stupidly low offers so you would not be shown them & only offers over a certain amount would be accepted. I think there was also an option to choose a sales price range where you would be notified and could manually make the decision.

If you used that filter, silly bidders would be knocked back immediately without you having to bother with them.


The highest offer process is a bit weird though. I saw an item I was interested in, it wasn't all that expensive( about $11) but where it says highest offer I always have a go.  I offered what i thought was a very reasonable offer, within 30c of the price, only to be knocked back. It wasn't an auto knock back, it was delayed several hours so obviously the seller sasw it and made the call to refuse the offer. I did go ahead and buy it at full price.

Fair enough for a seller to knock back any offer, you might say, but what I found annoying was within about 24-36 hours of me making that offer, the seller changed his listing price & offered a discount on that item below what I had offered.

That put my back up a bit, I must admit.


There is no point having the make an offer option if reasonable offers are going to be refused. Just have buy it now.



Message 43 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

Ebay is DEAD!!! Im closing my store at the end of month. Gone from 50 sales a week to 5. Just NOT worth ity anymore. Ebay seems to want to get rid of small sellers in favour of the large retail stores. Hope it backfires on them!!!

Message 44 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

I like many others left eBay 6 months ago.

the fear of waiting 180 days for sales to be finalised was the straw that broke my back.

fees on postage and high fvf fee just made selling no longer an option on e bay.

but on the other end of the stick i now can buy items that ive been buying and selling for years for up to 60% cheaper here as sellers are selling there stock at the lowest prices ive seen in 5 years. i cant possible see how these sellers are making a profit let alone break even.

i only deal in collectable diecast models and 6 months ago prices for example was avarage $65.00 per 1.43 scale now i can buy these at avarage $ 28.00 here on ebay. my point is its now great for buyers but a horrible place to be a seller. sellers now have to almost give there items away to gain a sale which to me pointless

Message 45 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

@lurehouse wrote:

They want us smaller sellers gone and they will do it quickly and swiftly this year I fear,take these points as a hint the new deficit rating system, scammers taking advantage of the 6 month money back including shipping, chinese sellers and big name brands taking over.

I had to refund only about 6 buyers in the first 10 years on ebay now I am getting a couple a month, that alone is bad enough but add all of the other points I mentioned and we haven't got a hope of hanging on.


I have my own wesite but am finding it difficult to get rated on google without spending huge ammounts of money on SEO services so once again the big brand stores have tyou covered even outside ebay as they can spend millions on advertiising(I mean brainwashing).I am not a pessimistic person but I am just about over this online selling B.S. and struggling everyday and worrying abouit it...................

 I wouldn't say eBay wants smaller sellers gone, lurehouse, just the bigger sellers obviously gain more profits for eBay. It helps that the bigger sellers have a well-known 'brand', whereas us smaller sellers are just competing against each other.


 But I agree that buyers are getting difficult - only this year have I had to deal with buyers who don't pay on time etc. Downright annoying but I guess you have to take the good with the bad.

Message 46 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

@dotm2004 wrote:


I have had the worst few months in my eBay life  ๐Ÿ˜ž


Fingers crossed .... the last couple of weeks have picked up a bit, but not nearly to what it used to be.   I refuse to pay to list items, as I buy my items and don't make a huge profit.  At present, I try use up every FREE listing (from the promotions) and list the 40 monthly ones spread over the month.


I used to get a great pleasure from selling  .... especially when an items gets several bids ... but all of that is in the past    .... usually just the one bid now.     I don't think I could go on without the few regulars I have who use combined postage.


Let's hope we'll turn the corner soon ๐Ÿ™‚   ..... but reading the above comments, I don't hold out a lot of hope.



 I do exactly the same, dot, by using up the free listings. I sell preloved clothing too, and my approach is fixed price the first month, fixed or best offer the second month, and auction the third month. If it hasn't sold after three months, it goes to charity or I give it to family.


 The photos on your listings are great, but I've had a bit more success since simplifying my descriptions. Smaller (but not too small) font, black, Arial or something else simple, seems to work best for me.


 You don't need to include details like the payments you accept in your description as the buyer can see this for themselves. Same goes for postage options and invoices. Just stick to something simple like:


 Terms & Conditions

 I appreciate payment within 4 business days. I offer combined postage for multiple purchases. Please contact me with any further questions.


 Hope that helps, I was in exactly the same place as you but thankfully things are changing!

Message 47 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

@springyzone wrote:

Yes, I can understand how you feel about low offers. I have sold on gumtree before and had some people offer ridiculous amounts and not in a polite way either. Puts your back up.


But.. I thought ebay offered an automated way for sellers to filter stupidly low offers so you would not be shown them & only offers over a certain amount would be accepted. I think there was also an option to choose a sales price range where you would be notified and could manually make the decision.

If you used that filter, silly bidders would be knocked back immediately without you having to bother with them.


The highest offer process is a bit weird though. I saw an item I was interested in, it wasn't all that expensive( about $11) but where it says highest offer I always have a go.  I offered what i thought was a very reasonable offer, within 30c of the price, only to be knocked back. It wasn't an auto knock back, it was delayed several hours so obviously the seller sasw it and made the call to refuse the offer. I did go ahead and buy it at full price.

Fair enough for a seller to knock back any offer, you might say, but what I found annoying was within about 24-36 hours of me making that offer, the seller changed his listing price & offered a discount on that item below what I had offered.

That put my back up a bit, I must admit.


There is no point having the make an offer option if reasonable offers are going to be refused. Just have buy it now.



 Whoa, thats a bit mean of the seller you dealt with ๐Ÿ˜ž

Message 48 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

I am sorry you are wrong they do want us gone and its not a level playing field, case in point. So if my DSR drop to below standard through no fault of my own as I have a perfect record for over 11 years, I then receive the dreaded email from ebay which is already happening right now to other honest Aussie sellers which reads.


The email is longer but I have cut to the chase, are you telling me that same email will be sent to the bigger guys at the big end of town joining ebay if there DSR drop below standard?


Ebay want only strip mall chinese sellers and larger chain stores and we are a blot on there system because we do not look professionel enough. The joke will be on them as blind freddie knows that the large chain stores will simply use ebay to gobble up there customers over to there own websites with no fees its simple buisness practice. 

Message 49 of 66
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Re: No sales it is frightening .Anyone else ??????

I had that message on 2 selling accounts and have now closed them so I agree with you 100%

Message 50 of 66
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