on 22-10-2013 10:38 PM
Thinking of opening a store (again, I've had them on and off over the years) -- but I see now we can only list fixed pirce or with auctions only for items in the 'collectables' category.
What I'm mostly wanting to sell is old comics.... but comics are not in the collectables category!! Wha...?? Comics are among the most collected items on earth!
on 24-10-2013 10:58 PM
would it be very much trouble for you to inform me of the subtle nuances involved in selling, please?
I would also be interested in learning about the psychology of selling collectables if you would also share your knowledge about that.
on 24-10-2013 11:09 PM
C'mon every body, smile on your brother.....
Seriously, I've learned things from people that have been on eBay for a few days, and there's no doubt someone that's been around for 15 has - at the very least - a commendable amount of tenacity in the face of an ever-changing thing. Huh, yes?
I say, we all know a thing or two, which has been tailored by experiences and preferences on and off ebay, and which may or may not help out someone else, so let's just say we're all awesome in our own way, and strut.
on 24-10-2013 11:34 PM
ummm, is that at me?
I actually sell comic books (among other things), some of which date back to the 50's, but more commonly the 60's and upwards.
I don't sell the mint ones (they are my retirement plan), but I do sell used ones in varying conditions.
on 24-10-2013 11:43 PM
on 25-10-2013 08:52 AM
Sure. BIN listings are good for items that aren't particularly valuable or collectable. BIN listings give the impression that the item has a set 'value' and is not sought after or contestable, i.e. not especially desirable. It also signals that the seller is happy just to get rid of the thing and realizes that it's not going to garner much interest.
There is the "strategy" of listing a BIN item at an outrageously high amount, but this tends to scare off poterntial buyers. Better to list at auction, which is likely to engender some heated bidding and a high final price.
This is the main reason why you'll never see high-end silver age comics listed at BIN prices --- well, not by experienced sellers anyway.
To reiterate, I'm discussing sought-after collectables here, not the new mass--produced trinkets that most sellers flood the market with.
on 25-10-2013 06:04 PM
I have a few relatively rare books. I tried most of them with auctions at about a third of true value (ie what the few other copies available worldwide online are listed for). When they didn't sell at auction, they went to BIN at true value.
I'm not here to provide eBay with listing fees for auctions (at a 10 day auction costing the same as 30 months of BIN listing), which would soon wipe out the value of the item.
I will just list them for 20 years at BIN, if necessary. $12 in listing fees. Short run first editions are not going to get any less rare.
on 25-10-2013 06:16 PM
Very. very interesting! Thaks for that amazing comment.
on 25-10-2013 06:36 PM
You're welcome. It's all to do with the nuances.
on 25-10-2013 06:50 PM
No worries! I see you've only been on here for two years but eventually you'll get to know the basics.
on 25-10-2013 07:44 PM
@kustomizer99 wrote:No worries! I see you've only been on here for two years but eventually you'll get to know the basics.
Your post explaining why auctions are better than BINs for some markets makes sense, so I won't suggest that it doesn't, nor that your 15 years of experience hasn't taught you a thing ot two.
But, IMO, 15 years of trading creates something more than selling experience, it creates a wealth of buying experience, which contributes to a wealth of recorded data, all of which then goes on to influence buyer preferences and expectations.
For a start, it gives people the idea that things have that thing you don't seem to think they have.... A set value. Over 15 years, the market pays attention to trends, records it, and above all proves something that was less likely to be understood years ago.... not many things are so rare that the opportunity to buy them are once in a lifetime. Plus, there have always been pricing guides to collectibles like comics.
Do people that groove on comic auctions (buyers or sellers) consider eBay a viable and/or trustworthy marketplace? Do people still have the right mix of passion and desperation for that one issue for auctions to genuinely thrive? Sincere questions - I don't pay much attention to the comic market, I just know that there are fewer experienced buyers with the right balance of trust in eBay, patience for auctions and impatience to wait for the next one to cause genuine bidding contests.
Auctions are surely great for those items that are highly desirable and will be contested by people who believe it might be their best shot at getting something, but that is not a universal truth applicable to everything that meets certain criteria, and IMO sometimes auctions don't give the impression that the item has no set value, but that its value is negligible and/or solely dependent on whether someone, somewhere wants it during a 7 day period. You said a higher BIN price with an auction start price works better; could that not be because you're indicating the item has a greater worth than the start price, thus giving people the impression that it has a set value, but you're willing to take less because of the lower start price, and/or setting the limit. (i.e. To me, the seller is basically saying, here's an item...try to get it for less than what I've valued it at..)
As I said, what you wrote makes sense, but there are myriad perspectives on ebay, which can also make sense and they can all offer some insight, even if you don't like it, agree with it, or haven't experienced it - paying attention to it can still be more beneficial than immediately dismissing it.