Not to sell fur on ebay

Would EBAY like to start and make a stand NOT to sell fur products on ebay, we need to start some where to send a message to the people the kill animals for there skins. How about it ebay it shouldn't always about money but about doing the right thing.  Allison

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Not to sell fur on ebay

'The right thing' is different for everybody, why should ebay enforce your ethics on everyone else?


I have a problem with animals killed just for their fur myself but here in Australia animals are not farmed for fur it is a byproduct so I believe it is ethically sound. As for fur coats from overseas, well it is legal and if you don't like it, don't look at them or buy.

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 2 of 9
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Not to sell fur on ebay

Where do you draw the line?


Should Akubra stop using rabbit fur to make their hats? If so, why? Rabbits are introduced feral pests.

Message 3 of 9
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Not to sell fur on ebay

*fur* goodness sakes..............many vintage clothing items e.g. where a fur collar might be attached, would then not be allowed to be sold. ..... would genuine Ugg boots (made from sheep skin and attached wool) be banned next if this sort of ban was adopted by EBay? As for animal furs being allowed into Australia from overseas?.....suggest you check our Australian Customs rulings which are pretty tough on these items from memory. .....what was the question/suggestion again?!.............
Message 4 of 9
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Not to sell fur on ebay

I don't like fur clothing so I don't buy it as some people don't like leather should ebay stop the sale of leather shoes. I guess that it's not up to ebayto stop the sale of legal products it's uptothe individual person to make the choice based on their own beliefs.

When life gives you lemons.
Squeeze them into people's eyes
Message 5 of 9
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Not to sell fur on ebay

If you ban fur products because it involves the killing of animals would you then ban all items made from silk?


Message 6 of 9
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Not to sell fur on ebay

A silk worm is far from a half decent chow on some beef. Mmmm rabbit stew...You are what you eat....

Message 7 of 9
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Not to sell fur on ebay

They do make a stand and have for years. Not on fur as such, but I know that back in about 2005 I listed some item of clothing as having a tortoiseshell pattern on the buttons, or something like that. I wasn't trying to say they were tortoiseshell, mind you, just trying to describe the pattern and colour.The listing was promptly pulled off and we were told we were selling a prohibited item.

So if an item is banned by the govt, it will be reflected in ebay listings. If it isn't a prohibited item for sale in shops, then I don't see why ebay should ban it in listings.

What about leather shoes?

Message 8 of 9
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Not to sell fur on ebay

Goodness me, I hope they don't ban the selling of such things - although I can certainly sympathise with the OP. By law I have to wear leather shoes (rubber soled) for my part time job.

Message 9 of 9
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