Note To Sellers

Community Member

Just A note to all Sellers on eBay.

You do have the right to have customers charged if eBay does not remove defamatory comments such as neutral or negative feedback.

Due to Australian Laws the consumer has the right to take the matter up with consumer affairs.

How ever the consumer does not have the right to stand out the front of a business bad mouthing that business (or in this case on eBay leave neutral or negative feedback).

That is what consumer affairs is for is the consumer is in the right.

By law eBay must and does provide this link below

Defamation of character Stat Declaration

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Re: Note To Sellers

Just A note to all Sellers on eBay.

You do have the right to have customers charged if eBay does not remove defamatory comments such as neutral or negative feedback.



"if a story doesn't make sense . . . . then it is not true" - Judge Judy
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Re: Note To Sellers

Hey OP - you've miss spelt your ID......

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Re: Note To Sellers

Cases of criminal defamation are very rare in Australia so I would love you to list any recent cases of criminal defamation that made it to court.


There are plenty of examples of civil courts handling defamation.



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Re: Note To Sellers

Hey OP - you've miss spelt your ID......

No deja, teddie is definitely with a double D.

image host
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