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Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

Someone alerted me to the fact that someone was selling our items on facebook and their website for twice the price. I took a look and they were using our photos and stories without asking our permission (keeping the handmade bit  but deleting connydeylen). And then I realized they were listing them as soon as we started an auction. They waited  and as soon as one of their customers showed interest they placed a bid. This person claims to be a Physchic and her customer base is basically people who have recently lost a loved one. I am absolutely seething and have blocked them as bidders. But are there otherways to put this con artist out of action?

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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

Community Member
It's rather difficult when it's on a totally different site, but blocking her is a good start, although she'll no doubt create alternate IDs to use instead. It would be a good idea to prominently watermark your images so she can't steal any of your new ones. You might also try creating a reasonably official-looking letter and demanding that she stops using your copyrighted material or you'll be forced to take her to court and sue for damages.
Message 2 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

That is terrible! First, cancel any bids they have. Problem is they may just use another Ebay ID to bid again. I would then send them a very strong message immediately via Facebook & to their website threatening legal action for copyright infringement.


There is an example Cease & Desist letter at the following link which may help you but it pertains to US Legislation. Might help you draft your own modified demand.


Other posters may have better information for you. Good-luck!

Message 3 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

So what's the problem?


If there buying your items and paying, i would of thought that's the idea of selling, that's why i sell.


I sell my items for more than they cost me, that's called good business.Smiley Wink

Message 4 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

Keep on selling screws and bolts. you haven't a clue about people and their emotions  when they are exploited ,


Message 5 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

You need o get familiar with a watermarking program to water mark your photos to start with, it will make it a lot harder for her to sell them with your name splashed over them.
There are plenty of free online water markers but if you have photoshop or paint shop pro learn to do your own. I made a semi transparent one that I slap on my photos I take. It doesn't take away from the item too much.Don't bother with the eBay one that just puts a tiny name in the bottom of the picture anyone can crop out.
Message 6 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

Like this one, except you should have it large covering the whole item.
Message 7 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

Just another thought which may be better for you get a business card or flyer with "handmade by connie" and a email address or phone number on it place it in the picture.

They are very cute you are a talented lady.
Message 8 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

@connydeylen wrote:

Keep on selling screws and bolts. you haven't a clue about people and their emotions  when they are exploited ,


Spoonful of cement rquired for the OP...toughen up Princess.


When I sell items on ebay I do not care what the buyer does with them... and if I may be so bold,


If you have certain prerequisites on the way you expect buyers to treat your products then you should advertise that fact


in your listing when you sell them.




"Please don't use my pixies as wheel chocks", "voodoo dolls', "onsell them" or (heaven forbid) "bin them after Chrissy"...



I think your main problem is that they have shown you in no uncertain terms that in other markets your items are worth


more than you can sell them for on ebay.... and that totally irks you.......


Honestly... blocking a buyer because they are paying the price you ask for an item or bidding and paying the price the


market defines???????


If your comment I quoted  above "  you haven't a clue about people and their emotions  when they are exploited"


relates to the onseller  as exploiting peoples emotions yet you also comment to the effect that


the onseller is copying your descriptions verbatim then who started the exploitatiion ball rolling ????


If you are happpy with the price you are achieving on ebay for your products then why block a return buyer??

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 9 of 124
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Re: Onselling on Facebook when your item has just been listed?

I'm with the OP on this.  It's not just simple reselling, it's an intellectual property issue.  This person on facebook is stealing photos and stories/ descriptions and commercially reselling without permission or even acknowledgement to the artist/ maker.  Effectively this is hijacking the branding and hard work put in by the maker.  It's common theft and should be treated that way.


Conny, good luck with stopping this person.



Message 10 of 124
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