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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'

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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'





I heard on the radio that even though Aust Post is busier than ever most of the increase is due to OS sellers sending parcels via Aust Post and not paying as much as we do.... so we have to cover the loss from that part of the business. 


I don't know what station I heard it from and I have no idea if this is true or not.. I can't seem to find it... (too early in the morning and I need another coffee maybe???)

Message 2 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'

I do understand that and im sure it is true. Every parcel that comes into Australia through an overseas postal system ends up being a loss to them as it has to be delivered through Australia Post.


Even in saying that though they reported that have made $280 million profit last year which was an increase of 16% over there previous years profits and i am more than certain it would be due to the rise in Australian online businesses and in turn Australians buying from these business. You would think that they would want to support Australian business if it is helping profit the company rather than hurt it. I really hope it backfires on them.


I suppose at the end of the day the majority of sellers are all in the same boat, but it's not really a problem of us having to pay more, but it gives the buyer even more of a reason to buy from overseas sellers if we all have to increase our prices, meaning more loss for AP.


Australia Post just know that the majority of us are stuck using them so they think they can do whatever they want. I think it a very stupid decision.


The way i see it, what is hurting Australia Posts profits the most already is exactly what they are going to help aid due to the increase in prices.



Message 3 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'


Message 4 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'


Think of this.


If a seller in Hong Kong ships something below 500gms to AU they can do for around .60c  or less (without tracking) or $2.25 (with tracking) in AU its a minimum of $7.15 (from next week) (without tracking) $10.10 (with tracking). there is a seller 3 offices down from someone I know over there that ships a minimum of 1000 packages a day to AU without tracking costs them around $600AUD โ€ฆ same volume by an AU seller would cost $7150 + we paid GST and tax on the sale price โ€ฆ not hard to work out where one should be as an eBay seller โ€ฆ and that doesnโ€™t even factor the eBay fees. They pay almost nothing over there.:-(


Add to all this the fact that Aus Post refuse to negotiate a better deal for us under the UPI/ Union. (Int Postal Agreement)

If the CEO of Aus Post got off his overpaid ass and did the right thing by Australians and got a better deal for the people he is supposed to represent (us) our postage prices could drop by 1/2. Not continually rise out of control.

But he is more interested in doing it the easy way, so he can reap those huge BONUSES he gets.


Shame on Australia Post. SHAME.

Again I urge everyone to show Australia Post how we feel. If we do nothing we will all pay for it in the end. By going out of business.


Sign the petition against these ludicrous price hikes.


What hope do we have here now with these latest price hikes.



Message 5 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'

Please take a minute to sign the petition ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 6 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'


Message 7 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'

With an election coming up it may be a good time to get onto your local Federal members and let them know of the issues, especially regarding the International Postal Agreement.

Message 8 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'




Add to all this the fact that Aus Post refuse to negotiate a better deal for us under the UPI/ Union. (Int Postal Agreement)

If the CEO of Aus Post got off his overpaid ass and did the right thing by Australians and got a better deal for the people he is supposed to represent (us) our postage prices could drop by 1/2. Not continually rise out of control.

But he is more interested in doing it the easy way, so he can reap those huge BONUSES he gets.


Shame on Australia Post. SHAME.

Again I urge everyone to show Australia Post how we feel. If we do nothing we will all pay for it in the end. By going out of business.


Sign the petition against these ludicrous price hikes.


What hope do we have here now with these latest price hikes.




I really had no idea about how OS sellers get to post so cheap and now I do.. this really sucks..


I bought some items from an OS wholesaler and didn't realise that they also sold on Ebay (silly me forgot to check) but I would be able to compete fairly with them if they had to pay the same postage... I could have the hometown advantage and hopefully make some sales.. 


But to this day I have only sold two of the 100 items I bought. I need to go to the markets to sell them... 


does not seem right and I am really cheesed off now I know exactly how they can get away with it. 

Message 9 of 46
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PETITION - 'Australia Post: Reconsider the parcel price increases'

 Ammo???? ....if anybody is looking for  ammunition then check out ASPs 2012 annual report

2012 AP financial report shows that in some areas it is already profitable

I just posted this info on the powersellers board and thought other sellers may be able to use some of the info if they intend contacting their local politician



the discriminatory state of trade that exists for Australian internet sellers and requires government intervention to be fixed

Our statutory profit before tax achieved doubleโ€‘digit growth, up $34.4 million to $366.7 million, and our underlying trading profit returned the strongest result since the global financial crisis in 2008.

Our postโ€‘tax profit of $281.2 million (which is $40 million higher than last year)

underpinned a higher dividend of $213.7 million to be declared to the Australian Government. Weโ€™ve grown the value of our shareholderโ€™s investment achieving a return on equity of 18.7 per cent.

link to 2012 financial report here

pdf page 44 and 45

page 92 2012 financial report..its well hidden but not that well hidden

Regulated mail

Regulated mail is comprised of the collection, processing and distribution of domestic letters defined as reserved by the
Australia Postal Corporation Act 1989
and the processing and distribution of international inbound letters and packets (< 2kg) in
accordance with the arrangements of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) (where Australia Post has been nominated by the
Australian Government to fulfil its obligations in Australia).

page 93 AP 2012 financial report


โ€“ Regulated mail segment result  millions (148.1) (148.1) (36.8) (184.9)


ie Australia post lost almost 185 million dollars last year delivering domestic letters, international letters and international "small packets under 2kgs" last year


but still made $281 million dollars profit after tax

Message 10 of 46
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