on 18-04-2022 05:13 PM
Ever since ebay introduced ’Pay to promote’ the views on my items have plummeted.. I think it’s because I don’t pay the promotion fee.
on 10-07-2022 08:23 AM
Ebay did change the view total to monthly instead of since the listing began. Also I read something about they now filter out views from bots which would account for a larger number of views.
Although I did have a new listing which was less than a day old with one watcher and no views showing. So there may be a delay for views to show.
on 10-07-2022 12:46 PM
We usually promote about 20 items, but usually it does not help a great deal as they only go on the 1st page for a day or 2.
As far as editing & tweeking listings, we usually have about 40 out of 60 listings on the 1st page on the computer that it is listed on, however when we go to another computer none appear within about 3 to 5 pages & then only 1 or 2 listings.
We have 2 Ebay stores plus our own website where we use google which is expensive but achieves results, but we are still profiting a little from Ebay as well, so as long as that continues we will stick with it.
on 10-07-2022 02:48 PM