Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

So now Ebay are withholding money.... I have to send a $300 dolar item to a customer without receiving a dollar for it untill 21 days later. Does anyone in Ebay actually have a clue what they are doing? Do they have any business experience at all?
Would like to know if anyone can recommend any alternative selling venues - thinking it's about time to abandon ship here.

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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

We are going through the same thing on our secondary account at the moment.  Even though our accounts are linked, and we use the same paypal account for both, and our feedback, as you can see, is over 1800, the funds are held on the secondary account for twenty-one days.  The ridiculous part is, that we have received positive feedback on most of the transactions for which the funds are being held.  

The only positive thing I can say is that it CANNOT last..... too many people are going to disappear because of it.

Message 11 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

My understanding from other threads is that if you provide tracking information (which means you have to already have posted the item), PayPal will release the postage component of the transaction.


When I was a newbie seller on eBay in 2008 or whenever, there was no such thing as 'not trusting' a seller.  It is only since all the insane policies have been implemented recently, which are all to do with 'better buying experience' (BS!!) that sellers aren't to be trusted with THEIR money.  What a load of crock!.  


What about a 'better sellig experience'.  You list, you sell, buyer pays, you transfer payment out of PayPal, you post, buyer gets, you get your money within 3-5 days.


The buyer still has the MBG/PayPal 180day returns - so why should you the seller not be trusted to received your financial entitlement.


'Cos it's called Money, Money, Money - PP make heaps on the short term money market at your expense.




Message 12 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

Thanks,  I found the reindeer but he wasn't suitable with the sew-on eyes so I bought the dinosaur  ๐Ÿ™‚  And sorry, I paid with PayPal, so more of your money will now be tied up.

Message 13 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

I wonder if you can find a small, cheap item that you could list that would sell quickly and get you the 25 feedback you need. I'd buy one, or two  Robot wink

Message 14 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

Thank you ! I The dinosaur is my favourite design, I'm sure you'll love him ๐Ÿ™‚
Your purchase allowed me to check if they had implemented it on both of our accounts, yep, looks like they get to hang on to some more of my money for a while. (Maybe I should include directions to my Etsy store in my listings ๐Ÿ˜‰ , they charge less, and you actually feel like you are getting something for your fees)

Message 15 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

My mate that opened a second account uploaded a tracking number, which marked the item as posted. The item has arrived and the buyer left positive feedback. He left feedback for the buyer. The funds are still tied up until Dec 9 and PayPal refuse to release them as he's a 'new' seller. Both his accounts use the same PayPal account, but that means nothing. His establised account is years old and he's never had anything but postive feedback. His DSR's have always been at 5 since they started, yet it means nothing. He can't be trusted apparently.


There is something seriously wrong with all this. Way to avoid getting new sellers or getting established sellers to create new selling accounts! New sellers are just going to run a mile. I don't know what they were thinking bringing this in.

Message 16 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

The whole thing sucks!!


Certainly no incentive to become a seller on eBay.


I honestly don't know what game eB/PP are playing, but it's definitely not one that has rules for both sides.


TBH when I first heard about this 21day we'll hold your money, I couldn't believe PP would be doing this.  It's ludicrous.


And I certainly understand your mate's annoyance.  Really, how dare PP hold onto someone's else's money like that.  Aarrgghh!!  It's beyond any business rationale.

Message 17 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

This seems to be specific to Ebay, I use Paypal for my Etsy store and get immediate payment, never had any problems. Ebay's new policy has me seriously questioning whether I want to sell here or not. They charge the highest seller fees of any site I have seen, and we get what in return????

Message 18 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

Okay, hear where you are coming from.  So if it is an eBay thing, I agree, why would you bother selling here.  But the whole thing still has to be in kahoots with PayPal.   I wonder if anything will change when the split is finalized.


I haven't ever had any problems transferring MY MONEY from PayPal - never left anything in there for them to invest either!!


Agreed though, you get nothing in return - except fear (now) of someone scamming you by getting something free through either eBay or PP, dinged on DSR's, being defected out of here, account permanently restricted for minor infringements, while the Big Boys and the Chinese sellers can go on their merry ways, breaking every eBay rule that was ever written, and the good guys (note there are no caps) keep getting hit with the ugly stick.


Message 19 of 124
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Payment Being Held????? Recommendations for Other Venues?

Community Member

Ring Paypal and ask for a manager and tell them you want your fees released.  They will say its an eBay issue, then say you will be lodging a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman service (FOS).  They will either make a discretionary payment or say ok that is your right.  If they go with the 2nd opinion file a report, win or lose it costs paypal money.  If everyone does this, the stupid policy will disappear.

Profanity is no substitute for wit.
Message 20 of 124
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