Paypal messages not showing send to address

I know this is a paypal problem but wondering if anyone else is having the same problem


Paypal messages are not showing 'send to' address. The address is showing in paypal but not the payment advice messages.



Message 1 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

@clickbaitoz wrote:


i just have one question ebay,  WHY??? why do you have to go & change stuff like this??? do you enjoy making our lives more difficult?? *end rant*

Short answer......Yes, they take great delight in making members lives a misery.


I can only imagine how many sellers are going to send parcels to the ebay address rather than the paypal address now.

Message 21 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address


lthey're not showing the address on the ebay emails either so it wont even be that, people will be forced to log onto the website or app which is not always convenient.


Have we established yet if this is a change from ebay or a temporary glitch?

Message 22 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

Given the entire layout of the sold notification has changed, I suspect this is a deliberate ploy to -


Get sellers to trust eBay knows what they are doing, regardless of evidence to the contrary;


Use the provided button to generate an eBay postage label. I have no idea how many sellers use them. I do for about half my sales. Certainly it will never be all. And will never be any from the sold email.

Message 23 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

I am sure there is a very simple answer - so why the hell can't Ebay let us know?



Message 24 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

Seriously unimpressed with this change - sold an item, got the eBay email with NO address, and NO Paypal email.


The eBay email declares that the buyer has paid and it's time to post, so I'm guessing they want us to just "trust" the eBay email, and they're doing away with the Paypal emails as well as not putting the address in the eBay one?


I've also noticed that "quantity remaining" is gone from the email, too. May not be a big deal to everyone, but for me, I like to match the quantity remaining in the email with the quantity remaining in my store room when I retrieve the buyer's item. Helps me eliminate any "out of stock" issues.


Not to mention the previous "sold" email was succinct with no scrolling, whereas with the new "sold" email, you scroll for days to read it all  . . .


Only the geniuses at eBay could take an email, put less information in it, but somehow make it longer.


Whoever designed and implemented this gets paid thousands more than most of us do, no doubt  . . . unbelievable. Just like the large corporation I work for, the people making the decisions have no freaking idea about the user's experience.

Message 25 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

I too look at the sold emails to see where the buyer lives. I always send to the address in checkout, which 99 out of 100 is the same as them ebay address. I like seeing where people live. If it's somewhere I've never heard of I'll sometimes have a look where it is on google maps. Not their actual address, just the town. 


I bought something tonight with the 10% off voucher. The address showed in the notification. It is different to my ebay address. It's an expensive item that I don't want left at the front door to be stolen so it's addressed to Mr Tippy's work. Hopefully the seller sees it's different in checkout!

Please send the seller an email alerting them to the fact.

Message 26 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

It should not be necessary for any buyer to tell the seller where to send the item.  They should know to send it to the address given by paypal.

Message 27 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

Are people still receiving emails without addresses? It was happening to me a couple of days ago but I just assumed it was a temporary glitch caused by the myriad checkout updates that have been happening lately, partly because it only lasted a day or so, and partly because only some of the email notifications were sans delivery addresses. (I get two different types - the ones where buyers have a PP account and logged into them were missing the address, the ones where they used PP as a guest still included them). 


Printing an eBay postage label when this started happening was the last thing I would have thought of, to be honest. 'View order details' and checking whether the address showed in PayPal (and that they matched) were the only things I though of - as much as I suspect eBay manipulate things to yield certain types of results that benefit them, I can't see this as being one of them. o_O

Message 28 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

@lyndal1838 wrote:

It should not be necessary for any buyer to tell the seller where to send the item.  They should know to send it to the address given by paypal.



Unless sellers come to the forums, (and isn't the percentage of sellers that do so extremely small?) how SHOULD they know? I don't recall seeing it anywhere. I've just spent the last 10 minutes perusing the ebay seller centre, and specifically the page on "Postage information for sellers" and it is not mentioned.


As a number of threads have indicated, every seller has their own method for handling the address of their buyer. Personally, I print the Order Details page, and use that. I don't even know where the address given by Paypal appears, and I've been selling for years (on more than this ID). Is it on the original Sold notification email ? Or on the Notification of Payment email ? Or is it the address on the Order Details?

Message 29 of 35
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Paypal messages not showing send to address

The paypal agreement that you accept when you start using paypal tells you that if you want seller protection you must send the item to the address given to you when the buyer goes through Checkout and pays with paypal.


It is usually on the notification sent from paypal and if not there (as is happpening at present) I believe you should be able to find it on the transaction details in paypal.

Message 30 of 35
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