on 28-09-2012 04:45 PM
I have many photos which are wide but not very high; I am having problems with Photobucket rotating my pics sideway and when I try to resize, it makes them square (although I tick the keep in proportion box). Is there another place people are using?
on 28-09-2012 05:15 PM
I did have a problem with photobucket when I first started to use it, some of my photos were sideways no matter what I did, and I received a lovely helpful post (I think from digital ghost but not sure) I don't know if it will help you but I will repeat it here
Your images are getting auto-rotated, pre-editing wont help you....
photobucket.com > Top Right hovering under your user Name > Account Settings > (Funny Tab page) Album Settings > Image rotation checkbox (Automatically rotate images on upload)
Really hard to find as you have to jump all over the place, so good luck
on 28-09-2012 05:30 PM
That wasn't me last time :8} but you need to click on Album Settings to un-check the box that auto-rotates images on upload.
Also have a look at Upload Options (a small link at the top of the page after clicking Album Settings) and make sure the re-sizing setting is allowing for the width of your images.
They also recently introduced the beta version of the site and there were some issues with the current version (I couldn't upload at all for a while except on the beta site, but that doesn't have the options I want as yet so switched back to the original), but if the above doesn't work, you could always test the beta version and see if that resolves the isuues you're having.
I also use Image Shack occasionally, but it's a little harder to keep images well-organised and getting direct links for lots of different images can be a PITA, so I usually just use that for something I want to post as a one-off and when I don't want it to be linked to PB.
on 28-09-2012 06:15 PM
Thanks guys, will have a go and let you know 🙂