on 29-11-2013 02:26 PM
Hi all
I wisdh to know where I stand with Ebay in selling some Playboy Trading Cards from the 1990's. Some of them are mild nudity. eg Brests, Am I allowed to list them on Ebay Australia with images? If so how do I know the buyer is 18+ Thank You
on 29-11-2013 02:51 PM
As far as I know you won't be permitted Crowsman
on 29-11-2013 02:57 PM
on 29-11-2013 03:00 PM
if you do a search of Playboy Trading Cards you will find 982 for sale in australia, dont know if any are nudity or not
on 29-11-2013 03:01 PM
I then wonder how I would go with just using a Playboy image from the cards such as The Bunny The Year and the card number..? I wish to sell them as I have no need for them but I dont know how.. Other that Gumtree.. In total I only have 18 Playboy cards from 1994, 1995 and 1997.
on 29-11-2013 03:56 PM
Nudity is generally not permitted on the Australian site, with the following exceptions:
Media - With regard to media, nudity is permitted to the extent it constitutes a small and insignificant part of a catalog, book, periodical, or other work, which is not, as a whole, primarily devoted to sexual matters. Movies with PG, or R rating and pre-1980 Playboy, Playgirl and Penthouse magazines are permitted, but no photographs depicting nudity are allowed in these listings. Unrated media/movies must state that they are intended for all audiences and viewable by minors."
I don't know if the pre-1980 bit would extend to the cards, but the policy on nudity applies to everything and also states that blanking out the "risque bits" on an image doesn't exempt the item from the policy.
More info here: http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/mature-audiences.html
on 29-11-2013 05:08 PM
Thank you everyone for your help and advice.. I decided to call Ebay and see what I can list and what I cannot list. I Spoke with ** I do not wish to display his name. It seems I am allowed to list Playboy Trading Cards that were issued in 1994, 1995 and 1997 providing........The Card Does Not Show any nudity and the picture on the card was from a Playboy magazine dated before 1979. This will be hard to work around.. I also explained I had other Cards I wish to sell which are Comical/Si-Fi with Nudity and the reply I got was No...So again I will have a lot of sorting out to do.
on 29-11-2013 07:59 PM
i sell a bit of 70's SF. A large proportion of the covers display breasts. I've never had one delisted.
on 29-11-2013 09:14 PM
What will eBay treat as "adult" or "sexually oriented" material?
"Adult" or "sexually-oriented" material includes, but is not limited to:
Any item that portrays frontal nudity will normally be treated as "adult" material, with limited exceptions.
Material that is not considered "adult" or "sexually oriented" includes but is not limited to:
A small and insignificant part of a catalog, book, periodical, or other work which is not, as a whole, primarily devoted to sexual matters. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to pieces of artwork that may be considered fine art-such as certain paintings, carvings, figurines and other similar materials. Other examples include, but are not limited to, Michelangelo's David, certain (but not all) vintage pinup art, a renaissance-style painting of a nude female, and paintings like Raphael's, or nude cherubs in the form of human infants.
The majority of the reports we receive about adult/sexually-oriented material are related to magazines and videos. In considering whether to end them, we consider the overall content of the listing, including pictures and text. For example, if an item description leads us to believe the content of the listing is adult in nature as defined by this policy, that item will be ended. Please note that blocking the "risqué" parts of an image will not exempt the item from these standards.
Although these are the most common forms of media on which such material is found, eBay also receives reports about other media. These include drawings, paintings, photographs, sculpture and carvings, and comics (both still and animated). The same standards apply to all media.
on 29-11-2013 09:28 PM
What I said before. Given that the covers are only tangentially related to the subject matter. Most prominent in the E C Tubb Dumarest series.