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Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

Been pondering the implications of the seller performance standards that are not so explicit as the DEFECTIVE Defects


I would welcome other sellers thoughts (prefer no hysterical rants please) on the implications of the very, very low minimum performance standard re paypal disputes decided in a buyers favour where there was no seller resolution.


It would seem there is little to no buffer to protect sellers from scammers and makes preparing well evidenced paypal submissions against a claim  even more important, as your ability to sell is truly under significant threat.



Cases closed without seller resolution

To meet our minimum standards, you can only have 2 transactions (or 0.3% of transactions) resulting in cases closed without seller resolution over the most recent evaluation period. The percentage requirement applies after the account has exceeded the maximum number of occurrences.

Based on the minimum standards, an my current low level of seller activity on this ID if I lose three paypal claims in 12 months it is game over. 
Now I have not had many paypal disputes opened against me over the years, and have usually refunded due to an error I have made, or won those that went to claims where I truly believed the claim was baseless, however I am now feeling uneasy that my business seems to more exposed to closure by scammers than ever.
Message 1 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

It's just (big surprise) the info from eBay looks conflicting to me. There are always stricter requirements for meeting TRS than the standard requirements, and it says this, which gives me the impression it's a TRS measure:


Top Rated Seller account status requirements

To become a Top Rated Seller on, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have an eBay account that's been active for at least 90 days.

  • Have at least 100 transactions and USD $1,000 in sales with Australian buyers over the most recent 12-month period

  • Comply with eBay's selling practices

  • Meet the following requirements for transaction defect rate and purchase protection cases on transactions with Australian buyers:


    Performance standards on*

    Top Rated Seller

    Maximum defect rate 
    (Percentage of your transactions with one or more transaction-related defects.)

    2% from at least 5
    different buyers

    Closed cases without seller resolution 
    (Cases where the buyer asked eBay or PayPal to review the case and the seller was found responsible.)

    2 (or 0.3% of transactions)

Message 11 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

Donnas link provides a useful table that shows it is not just relevant to Top Sellers - it is indeed the standard applied across the board.



Message 12 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

Cheers 🙂 - I suppose I just got in the habit of second-guessing eBay's info. And I still have this odd ability to regard some of it with disbelief.  Smiley Embarassed


Message 13 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

lol - know the feeling DG



with your "cheers" as a trigger .... and now that I am moving out of denial that a very small number of buyers pretty much have the ability to put me out of business on eBay IMO calls for an early start to happy hour in this household for medicinal purposes undefined

Message 14 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

I knew someone knowledgeable would pop in, and yay, both Donna and digi to the rescue !  Once you put up the screen shot, I went off to look at mine, thinking you were after the actual number of Defects before you would be affected.  And since I'm hopeless at that kinda thing was hoping mine might give me a clue Smiley Happy  Trouble is, I don't understand my own !  But, if it helps number wise, I have 4 out of 716 Item not as Described, which gives a percentage of 0.56%, and underneath it says for Top Rated it needs to be 2% or less.  I have never had a Case Opened for Item Not as Described ??  So must be low Stars alone ?? (No complaints from Buyers either, so no way of knowing who or what the problems were)


So you see, that's probably why I focus so much on the Stars, hahaha


My dilemma is, (having given up with CS) when I try to print the Report, I get the Congratulations message !

Message 15 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

Me too Cats ..cheers : )

I have been following the discussions on the forums daily re the defect system and other topics with great interest ..I am a top rated seller on 2 ids and recently checked my defect rating ..even though I have all positve and no neutral or negative FB on either id,  at least a couple of my buyers have left me glowing feedback (So I left mine straight after I received theirs, reciprocating as I do ) then on checking my seller dashboard I have been left a 1,2, or 3 for item not as described and same for slow postage when I post daily or def within 24 hours of payment. I do incude a note thanking my buyers etc etc asking to please contact me if they are unhappy for some reason and also mention my postage times too so they know the item was posted quickly.

Question .. I was wondering if I can show eBay my postal receipt (I always lodge over the counter ) for the item that was dinged the stars do you think they might remove it ?? Worth a try perhaps ?


Message 16 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

Your doing very well on your DSRs MB


Mine are ok too I have 10 showing on my dashboard, none that have been recent, and 3 in my report, one of which will drop off in a week or so.



Message 17 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

@jasmia12 wrote:

Me too Cats ..cheers : ) 



Question .. I was wondering if I can show eBay my postal receipt (I always lodge over the counter ) for the item that was dinged the stars do you think they might remove it ?? Worth a try perhaps ?


Cheers jasmia Cat Happy


If you have a tracking number then I reckon its worth a shot to get any ding removed (or "descored" as they say in the US lol).


eBay promise seller protection in this area if you can demonstrate proof.  Did you upload tracking number at the time ?



Message 18 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

Thanks cats Smiley Embarassed

I do take a lot of pride in what I do and it's a natural to me to offer good friendly customer service, so when this new DRS started, you can imagine I was absolutely mortified to see these 4 INasD, having had no contact from Buyers and 100% Feedback.  At first they all appeared as being January of this year, then, at around the same time the INR disappeared they moved ?!? and are now spread over 3 months I think it is, in like Jan., Feb and April.  I just don't get it, specially with the Report basically saying they don't exist . . . . . lol, there is NO report.


Maybe someone here can enlighten me ??  (CS can't/won't - I gave up trying months ago)

Message 19 of 29
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Re: Pondering implications of losing paypal claims

Thanks Cats ..I  have always enjoyed reading your contributions to the forums ..I have learnt a lot from you thank you : ) I do  print out eBay labels  and the message says the tracking has been sent to the buyer so I don't actually send another notification .Do I need to ? Thanks : )

Message 20 of 29
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