Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

I have spent a long time today trying to add to a Multiple Item Listing eg.  Had an item x 3 ...then tried to add another colour and sizes  


Went through the whole thing adding colour and sizes and filling in all the details.. adding new photos etc etc.


I get to the end.. which took a while... and message comes up add cvariation detail which I already had done...multiple times AAAAH


Then after re entering all the details photos etc ERROR Message Occured stating I needed to add variation detail????


What is going wrong..  I have done this before with no problem.. also it is not linked to a template 


any ideas ????

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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

We have experienced similar sounding issues to this before with multi-variation listings. We have approached ebay for help in the past but have gotten nowhere with them.


As far as we can figure out this error happens if you edit an active listing with variations and then forget to save the changes back to your Selling Manager Template when you submit the changes. The default is Save Listing ONLY and if you don't change this default to save to template as well then the next time you try to make any changes to this listing you will get these errors.


The only way we have found to fix this is to end the listing and delete your old template and then go right back to scratch in your inventory to make the variation changes then create a whole new template and then relist from there. The trouble with doing it this way is that you will lose all your listing sales history becasue you ended the item.


We think the secret is to remember to always save back to template when you edit listings with variations.


I hope someone else comes along with better ideas than us as we are interested to hear the solution to it as well.

Message 2 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

Thanks for your help. I have actually had the opposite happen before where I had to delete the template from Selling Manager to be able change the listing.

Will try to add a template to this listing and see if that works.

as you said might just have to re do the listing

Such a time wasting effort to add 3 small items
Message 3 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

Just tried again.

Added a template for the lsting NO GOOD

At the top of the listing it states

Certain aspects of your listing - such as title, price and duration - aren't editable. Learn more

tried to click on it ...goes nowhere..also tried through Help Section NO INFO

Message 4 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

Is the listing due to end (relist/roll over) in the next 24 hours? I get that can't edit message if an item is close to ending/relisting. Once it auto relists I can make the appropriate changes.

Message 5 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

Helen, As far as I am aware you are unable to add new variations to a listing which has current variations on it. You would need to end the old listing and set up a new listings with all the variations.


Alternatively do a second listing for the new variations.

Message 6 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

I add variations to listings quite frequently, and occasionally experience technical glitches, but usually if I go back through all the stages one by one, it resolves, if not, I just close it off and re-open the listing and start the edits again - I don't use templates at all, though, so can't advise on that.


The process I use is open the listing editor, click "add / edit variations", and add what I need to there, I'll then click 'next', at which point a warning will pop up telling me my images etc will be removed, but continuing is the only way to save the changes.


Creating a new variation doesn't add it to the listing automatically, even though you can upload photos for the new ones, so on the page where you're able to add an SKU, pick your new variations from the dropdown menu (under the current variations, where there are blank fields), then click 'Add'. 


Proceed through all the other stages, and usually all goes well.


I hope that might help. 

Message 7 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

DG - thanks for that. It looks like ebay may have changed it from the last time I tried. When I did try a while ago there was no option to add new variations but it is there now.

Message 8 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

Oh this EBay site is so archaic in managing listings with variations. Our Woocommerce web site is so simple by comparison. You can re-order any variant element anywhere just by simple drag & stop. Select and do multiple edits. Very intuitive. An organisation this size should have software experts who can makeit so easy to use. But no tthey would rather focus their efforts figuring out how to defect us poor sellers out of existence.
Message 9 of 10
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Problems adding to Multiple Item Listing

Tried all again with this 1 Multiple Listing I mentioned I am having trouble with.


Still would not work.


Ended up having to list the colour variation in another listing..waste of 1 listing I am afraid but not worth my frustration in entering all the details..adding new photos etc etc and at the end an error listing once again.


I have changed other Multiple Variation Listings with no problems at all..


Anyway thanks for the help everyone..thought it was just me!!!

Message 10 of 10
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