on โ09-08-2013 06:36 PM
Hello I am a private seller and a small seller and so far i sell a few items and i have good feedback as i really try hard to provide an excellent service as i would like to grow.
However I have read the ebay "requirements" for becoming a top seller and it states that a 30 day return must be given.
I sell fabric in small pieces, what can i do? will someone return to me a fat quarter that they forgot about and left out in the rain and expect me to refund?
I really will refund, and in fact i am happy to if my client is not happy. But 30 days!!! is too much for my product.
Does anyone else have this problem. It seems to me that ebay is making a coverall statement and not considerind how people like me will manage sales. I am selling fabric not phones or engines. A blanket approach will not work for me.
Any thoughts appreciated. Cheers. Have a great weekend.
on โ19-11-2013 07:07 AM
on โ19-11-2013 10:20 AM
I really wouldnt worry about it. As a profilic spender (aka buyer) lol I really dont care if you are a powerseller or a TRS or what colour star you have. I only care about your reputation as in DSRs & FB, the quailty of the item you are selling & the postage charges.
Too many people worry about all the whistles & bells. Some of my worst ebay experiences have come at the hands of Sellers with all those " whistles & bells".
Just relax & concentrate on doing the right thing by your buyers, providing great service & care about the people you do business with, the rest will take care of itself. IMO
My best wishes to you , I hope you are very successful!
on โ06-05-2016 10:46 AM
Upping my return statis to 30 days, and just jow it benefits this seller escapes me too!
I sell mainly used items, and have always offered a 14 day, unconditional return policy. Provided the item is not damaged.
I offer consignment sales to members of my Church at no profit. I deliver the proceeds immediately after the sale. NOW, I suspect I must retain the proceeds for 30 days, not knowing just how the abussers will up grade their game here on eBay?
I play by the rules, and have been a quality seller for many many years. I sport a 100% feed back, and have never received a negitive or netural response............in other words, I work hard at it! In my world, the 30 day return approach is in attempt to compete with the big box stores, be it brick and mortar or on line, which I am NOT!
eBay can have the 20%................the head ache the've created for this seller is not worth it! eBay is no longer the Gold Standard they used to be! There are many other venues available now.............a FACT eBay has over looked!
I've been with eBay for over 13 years................and this seller has choosen to just let my rating run out!
(Remember last Xmas season when eBay tried the 60 day return routine........I didn't bite then either!)
Bye bye eBAy.........................................................
on โ06-05-2016 10:53 AM
I am a powerseller on 2 accounts. Both accounts have a 7 day return policy and always have. I think you're getting confused with premium service where you have to offer free postage, a 1 day handling time and 30 day returns. You will retain your powerseller status by keeping your returns at 14 days, you just won't have a premium badge on your listings (which most buyers take no notice of any way!).
If you've just received the "top tips for selling on eBay", they always mention changing your returns to 30 days. Best thing to do with those emails is ingore them and delete them. No one is forcing you to change to 30 days. Leave it as it is and continue selling as you were.
on โ06-05-2016 12:05 PM
congratulations, you have won this weeks 'oldest thread reborn' prize.the prize is in the mail you should get it in about 3 years.