on 05-03-2013 10:45 AM
Selling totals are now buried down the left hand side, where one has to scroll down to see them. Has anyone found a work-around?
on 24-04-2013 01:44 PM
This link doesn't have my Ebay ID in it, so it may work for others if they are logged in - it still gives the large selling totals at the top. I found it because an old US site link I had retained the larger totals, and when I added .au into the URL it still worked for me:
I hope it works for those who asked for it up the top of the thread, sorry I didn't see the request at the time, as the change bothered me a lot too.
on 24-04-2013 01:59 PM
Woo Hoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That link worked ~ my totals are at the top again - doing happy dance
THANK YOU found-in-australia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x