Reason for ending listings

Community Member

Hi All,


I have to go to hospital for quite a llong spell and so need to end all of my listings for a while.


However, none of the reasons given for ending them apply to my case.


Could anyone suggest which reason would be the best to choose and could you confirm that I won't be chartged a fee for ending them.


None of them have bids on.

Message 1 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

Hi Kopes, many thanks for your help. They do stay in turbolister for longer, is that right?

Message 11 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

I had to end all my listings a few weeks ago due to illness in the family keeping me away from home. I tried to do a bulk end and it wouldn't allow me to. I had to end them all individually, which was slow and tedious. Maybe it's different for BIN items (mine are all auctions)?


I was able to do a bulk relist last week though with no problems.

Message 12 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

Hi Tippy, I have been able to do it in bilk through turbolister.

Message 13 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

One sense of humour for sale, offers Smiley Wink

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 14 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

Don't you think that's enough of the rubbish and put downs? You already know I have to go to hospital (open heart surgery for tricuspid valve and very harrowing recovery, that's if I survive.). I am struggling here. I came here and asked for help, not to be the butt of jokes. If your mission was to upset me, you have succeeded. Congratulations.

Message 15 of 21
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Reason for ending listings


Best of luck with your surgery .... I'm sure everything will work out with eBay when you are back on board  🙂


And I agree ... this is meant to be a 'caring/sharing' page   Heart   No need for a response unless its to offer some help.

Message 16 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

Don't let the insensitivity of some amongst us, upset you !


The vast majority would feel sympathetic about your situation and find an appropriate way to express it. Its just the unfortunate few that don't seem to have that facility !!


Sorry that you have this ordeal ahead.


Hope it all works out well for you !!!



Message 17 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

I think of the boards as a question and answer system.


Ask a question, get answers. Mostly factual, sometimes opinion, sometimes (rare) stated as opinion, sometimes (shock horror) leavened with a bit of humour. I have never taken the mickey out of the OP. I have assisted the OP on several ocassions. I don't consider PJ's post offensive.

Message 18 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

PJ was mocking eBay, not you. I can understand you feeling vulnerable and scared about your upcoming surgery. My husband recently underwent major life changing, life threatening surgery that has meant a lot of permanent, every day lifestyle changes and the only thing that has got us through is humour. It's OK to laugh when you're going through an ordeal. If you lose your sense of humour because you're sick, you lose everything. It has helped us get through some very dark days.


Good luck with your surgery. It will all go well. They try not to let people die these days, there is far too much paperwork to fill out, so it's best avoided at all costs. Stay positive, keep your sense of humour and trust the staff that do this every day. They know what they're doing. I totally understand your fears are real, I was terrified when Mr Tippy had his surgery, it is OK to be scared. Just try not to let the fear consume you.

Message 19 of 21
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Reason for ending listings

And thank you, Dave. I certainly appreciate your help. I came on here to ask the question so that I woudn't have to bother you again.

Message 20 of 21
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