Receiving a money order payment

Hi everyone,


Just had a request for a payment to be made via money order. Haven't accepted a payment method like that before... mainly concerned about the protocol regarding a refund. If anyone has any advice, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks alot. 🙂

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Receiving a money order payment

Honored Contributor

You can also bank direct into your own bank account. Can be a pain, as you then have to make a trip to bank or Credit Union yourself, and they now treat them like cheques, i.e. 3 working days to clear. I discussed this with my credit union and they claim that it is new legislation. They are a workable alternative to Paypal but clumsy I think.    


No, it is not new must be 20 years since I deposited a money order in a Credit Union account and they treated it as a cheque way back then...I have never done it since, but in 2006 I had to put a money order into my bank account and again it was treated as a cheque but with 4 days clearance time.

Message 11 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

Thanks everyone. Years ago I used to pay by cash in an envelope, probably before I had a PP account. Think I also paid by Western Union once or twice. Never had any problems with cash in an envelope, though I probably wouldn't advise it for more costly items. $7.95 is a small price to pay for a bit of added security.

Message 12 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

I would advise them of you bank details and ask they pay there and save the money order fee.


Message 13 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

money orders can be cancelled.


be back when i can find the information

Message 14 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

money orders can be cancelled.


Not after you've cashed 'em. Soul, know you wont post till Cash in your hand right?


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 15 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

was a scam, counterfeit money orders, still lookin'

Message 16 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

eloi, give it up, 's all good, by the time you find it soul will have the money :^O


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 17 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

Thanks eloi, it's good to know that. The specific person who asked the question seems honest and trustworthy so there probably won't be a problem but I won't post until the M.O. has been cashed. They haven't bid yet but hoping they will! 🙂

Message 18 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

mainly concerned about the protocol regarding a refund


soul the cost of a money order is not your worry, if the buyer wants to pay it then it is their money and no one else's business also I don't think you have to worry about Aus Post doing away with them before you get your payment and cash it.


When you receive the MO go to a Post Office (have ID with you) and get it cashed.


Once cashed you can then post the item.


If at a later date you need to refund the buyer you have the option of sending them a money order less the cost of you getting the MO or you can ask for their bank details and if they provide them then pay into their bank account. Or you could ask if they would accept a personal cheque from you for a refund.


All up it is not a big worry.

Message 19 of 23
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Receiving a money order payment

don't tell me to give it up, you rude person


eloi, I wasn't being rude, but tell me - once I cash the MO, readies in my pocket, how you gunna get tehm back?? Cancel all you like, cash in pocket, done deal - still waiting for that link BTW 😉


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 20 of 23
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