on 12-08-2020 10:00 PM
So... I had a listing removed the other week for violating ebay's counterfeit policy.
I have checked thoroughly and this item doesn't breach any of the policy bullet points that were highlighted by the ebay notification email sent top me (it was listed as unbranded, doesnt use any brand names or logos, all photos are my own etc etc)
Also, there are HUNDREDS of other listings on eBay selling the exact same product (it is a generic, mass produced product)
[btw, for the TLDR version, my actual question is highlighted at the bottom haha]
I figured I must have just used a certain 'term' or something in my listing so decided to jump on with the customer support online chat and find out how to correct the issue and list it so that I am in compliance with policy, like ALL the other sellers selling the same product.
To my amazement I was completely stonewalled for nearly 3 hours!
And faced some of the most beligerant, unhelpful customer service reps I have encountered in recent years... how I didnt end up swearing at them I don't know...
Bottom line:
They woudnt initially tell me anything about the reason for removal except that it had breached policy
Eventually they did disclose the following:
They had received a complaint
They had reviewed my item and due to certain risk factors had deemed my item to be couterfeit
But they refused to say how they came to that conclusion or what policy had been breached
They also stated that if I attept to relist, I will have my account suspended (so obviousy I now wont relist that item as I cant risk that happening, but my issue is that I have a ton of stock piled up here and this is the only income me and my kids survive on... incidentally, that was another plea that was totally lost on the robotic service reps)
Where it became really frustrating was the fact that they wouldnt tell me how all the other hundreds of listings on ebay were okay to remain (and some I know have been there for many many months), or what the difference was between our listings so I could ammend mine so that it complied
They also wouldnt accept the suggestion that if mine was deemed counterfeit, then so must all the others be counterfeit (as they are identical).
And round in circles we went.
This was a real case of being told "up is down" and "black is white"
The frustration was intense
My biggest problem is that I now have absolutely no recourse
No right of reply to this complaint
Not allowed to mount any defence
No appeal process
So I stand to lose thousands of dollars... and I cannot in anyway handle that... not this year!
All while thousands of these exact same items are sold every day on ebay
And I'm not allowed to
And my stock sits here, with my post pandemic income plan falling apart in front of me for a reason that makes no sense and is blatantly obvious to the most simple minded person that this is completely unfair
Is there ANYTHING I can do to appeal a counterfeit removal when it is so blatantly unfair?
(besides talk to customer service reps again as they were in unison with their lack of help or willingness to even answer simple questions... honestly, you would have thought I had stumbled in to Area 51, not ebay! 😂)
My guess is probably not... but this is a massive issue for me (rent, food, kids etc as I'm a single parent), so I have to ask...
I'm 100% happy to work withing the bounds of policy and to correct a listing if I have made a mistake, but surely that policy has to be applied equally across all sellers?!
or is that just naive?
Sorry for the long post!
Thanks in advance for any advice
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 02-09-2020 01:42 PM
Aaaand, despite the warnings from eBay, they are still selling the fake controllers 174385588481
on 26-06-2022 07:01 AM
I've had exactly the same experience selling collectables and bespoke 3D printed models. Unless they are categorised in the vuaguest way so they attract no buyers my listings are taken down as counterfeit.
I have a 14 year old account with 100% feedback yet there is no recourse for appeal and I'm whacked with a 10 day ban.
Further, I've now received notice that someone is reporting my items to get them taken down... Likely a competitor.
Being collectables like trading cards... Which I trade for or buy privately as part of a hobby I have no ability to provide a receipt... So it seems ebay is leaning more towards the commercial market now than the consumer market.
on 26-06-2022 01:53 PM
Hi everyone,
Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.
Thank you for understanding.