It isn't fair, for you or any Ebay seller. But I don't know what can be done about it. There is no way a defect should be given to the seller because the item was damaged by the postal services. The same as a buyer opening a return case as NAD because they want the seller to pay for the return post. The seller gets a defect because the buyer opened the NAD return - not because the item was NAD but the buyer had buyers remorse and wanted to get their money back and not pay the post for return. So sellers will get defects, not because the item is actually NAD, but because by opening that as the return reason the buyer will not have to pay the return post. I truly don't understand why ebay are continuing down this defect path. They encourage Mum and Dad sellers by offering 40 free listings a month with free relists - so it is not like ebay don't want more sellers - going without that $1.50 listing fee that the rest of us have to pay must damage Ebay's bottom line - but Mum and Dad sellers are going to feel very stung when they encounter this very unfair returns and defect process where they will not only have to pay the return post - but get defects as well. They will be angry, upset, feel unfairly and unjustly treated and will leave ebay in droves - problem is, ebay sellers are usually ebay buyers as well. I just can't get my head around why ebay are persisting with their defect system - previous top rated sellers lose their top rating - so Ebay has less and less Premium items for sale because you can only offer Premium items if you are a top rated seller. The only thing I can think of to explain this whole defect debacle that Ebay are persisting with is that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing - that is - that there are different departments making and implementing the different policies and they are not talking to each other and comparing possible outcomes. It just does not make good business sense what they are doing over the defects.