Rude Buyer

In all my time, I've not come across such a rude buyer.  I understand that he was upset because his parcel arrived with Aust Post with them telling him he had to pay $13.70 as there was no postage on the parcel.  But surely logic would tell you that something must have gone wrong, as how would it be possible for me to take a parcel to the post office and say "Here you are, please send this parcel for me to Tasmania and by the way I'm not going to pay for it"

No....I got an extremely rude message accusing me of being sneaky and deceitful for sending him his parcel and not paying for the postage.

I calmly wrote back and expalined that I had paid postage and if you give me a few minutes I will send you a copy of the receipt.

To that he responded that I was a liar and there was no way that I even took it to a post office because if I had I would have provided the tracking number and demanding the postage he paid back.

I told him I did add the tracking number once I had it and I gave it to him again as I wanted him to go to the AP website so he could see that it was lodged, went to Sydney and the last tracking showed it was in Transit to Tasmania.

No....again I was just a rotten liar and a thief

I asked him to send me a picture of the parcel and the receipt for the extra payment he had made to AP.  And to my shock, the original label that had been put on the box at my post office was gone!  And AP had put another label on the parcel with no somehow the original label had come off the box.  I've been selling for years and have never experienced this.

So being the rotten, thieving scoundrel that I am, I call AP helpline, sat in a queue for 25 minutes and then explained to them what the situation was.  They were as shocked as I was and agreed that the only explanation was that somehow the label had come off the box.  They said that to refund the receiver he would have to call them himself and give them his banking information, so we agreed that it would be easier to send it to me and for me to refund it to him to his paypal account.

But I said I wanted an email sent to me explaining the whole situation so I could send it to the buyer, as I know that if I just reimbursed him he would still not believe me.

He has now been reimbursed and I've sent him copy of original receipt with tracking number and a copy of the email from AP admitting fault......and guess apology!

Oh well....that's my rant and now I feel better.

P.S. Has anyone else had this experience with an AP parcel?


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Rude Buyer

Uhhh I tried to get a source but Australia Post removed the "community page" which basically the forums like eBay but there was an official reply saying when they can open and when they can sell the lost items.

I have seen how many items are actually in the lost and found and its beyond a joke and I have friends who work there. So I am quite aware of how it works.

Message 31 of 34
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Rude Buyer

@danieh_6 wrote:

I have seen how many items are actually in the lost and found and its beyond a joke and I have friends who work there. So I am quite aware of how it works.

You know how it works because you have friends who work there.

I know how it works because I have been a contractor of an AP owned company and my OH still is.


Under the Australian Postal Corportion Act 1989 an Authorised Examiner is a person authorised in writing to assume the role.  It can be either an employee or a non employee.


As for an authorised person having to open the

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Rude Buyer

I think the main thing to keep in mind is the buyer was het up about having to pay extra for postage.

In that situation I would be very annoyed too but I would not be as rude as the buyer. I certainly wouldn't accuse a person of being a thief or whatever, I'd simply write to expalin the facts.

If they did nothing about it, no refund etc, then my blood pressure might start to go up and I'd think of opening an ebay claim against them.


If a seller, though, refunded me and was able to provide the explanation, I'd be happy.


Your buyer is just a rude individual. There are plenty of them around, believe me. They may or may not believe your explanation but there is probably no way they will apologise as they think their behaviour was perfectly warranted. You can't change that mind set on some people so don't even try.


Put it behind you, don't worry any more about it except if they hit you with bad feedback and in that case just give a factual reply that explains what happened.


Message 33 of 34
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Rude Buyer

Thanks. I mainly wanted to have a vent, which in hindsight may have been the wrong thing to do as I didn't mean to open a can of worms.
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