SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

Hi Guys,

Spending time over in US and boards are alight with problems in various categories, info listings missing - this is hopefully a temporary hassle while eBay are attempting to streamline:


This advice from eburtonlab (US)


Do not erase or modify your saved listings just yet. I suspect it will take a few days to determine which problems are caused by the new categories, and which problems are just temporary glitches while the new categories are being implemented.


At some point all the old listings should be available again, and if you modify all your listings right now, your modifications may wind up being unnecessary or obsolete when the dust finally settles in a few days.

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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

Just as an aside, does your response here mean the are now finally being supported by eBay rep's on this site, as they have been for many years on the US site?


If so that would be lovely - can you advise the names we need to tag for future refeerence, other than yourself.


Thanks   ella@seller_update

Message 31 of 98
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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

@ramcycle2010 wrote:

If I click on the ella link, I'm prompted to send an email. Is that advisable do you think?


I've got some questions specific to my toy listings that I'd like answered.


NO - that is why I asked for other link names

Message 32 of 98
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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary


an example of eBay employee

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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

Community Member

So now it's just books. No distinctions.

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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

If they read here now, I will undoubtedly get pinged for using the same title for all my listings -  'as per heading'.

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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

So, every time I check I have another 20 or so listings that need updates to item specifics - so far up to 600.  I have over 3000 book listings so feel that I'm going to have the whole lot requiring updates.


However, the main requirements of author, title, genre, series, etc... are already listed, so am I to presume that they now will not be carried over?  And do I now have to list all as fiction or non-fiction, children or adults - as they have taken away the separate categories.


I'm confused as to whether I should start amending all these listings or leave until further info becomes available???



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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

it may be best to wait in the interim and see how it pans out. i sell in collectables categories and went through and changed everything into the correct categories and began adjusting all of the item specifics. 


i noticed instantly that sales ceased - so i did some searching and found my listings were showing up in the later pages of search results, when usually they come up in the first few listings under the keywords most people use. 


i strongly believe that whatever category the majority of people who sell the items you're selling are in, determines where you place in search results. i changed back to the incorrect category (the ones that everyone else has theirs in) and my items returned to the top of search results and got sales almost immediately. 


it's just a theory, but have spoken to other people who sell in the same categories today and they found the same thing had happened to them after they put their listings in the correct category and as a result, changed it back for the meantime. 

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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

Thanks, but my worry is that Ebay will suddenly announce that all listings have to be amended by a certain date & I'd never be able to meet that.  I'm already up to 1200 & growing for updates required.

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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

Probably not of much interest to some hear but just announced > Adult category will start to be fazed out 15th June and end some time in July

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SELLERS - Heads Up Categories Stuffed Up Temporary

I am in Australia and Its also happening to my all listings as well it seem to be when the system relists the item, all the information regarding the book title author etc is not transferring over. I also have approx 3,000 books and last night there was over 900 that need author or name of book ,language and  of course the category have now gone

When I listed the books originally all that information was there.

This must be a Data transfer issue. I will wait to after weekend if its not fix will call Ebay even if I have to wait this is absolutely crazy why they would do this.

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