on โ06-08-2014 10:46 PM
Having horror time getting noticed and achieving any CD sales on EBay lately - mosty never any compeitive bidding, and even when arguably desirble items are listed very cheap - NO BIDS/no interest. is it downloads killing the business? Would have thought original CDs in good order would be sought after by collectors?
Anyone got any helpful opinons?
on โ06-08-2014 10:56 PM
I think if you want to continue selling on ebay you need to diversify, I can't remember when I last bought a music CD or DVD and most of those I had I have converted to digital files for my laptop, tablet and phone and then sold the disks for a buck or two each.
on โ07-08-2014 10:30 AM
Sadly (for you), I think music CD's are going the same way that cassette tapes went. I still occasionally buy a music CD as that's what I use in my car when I'm travelling (I don't own an MP3 player), but a lot of people have moved into downloads now and will either use their phone or MP3 player. I could be wrong and I hope for you I am, but I don't think CD's will become a big collectors item like vinyl records are.
on โ07-08-2014 08:18 PM
Hi there, if you want to increase sales you need to list more stock. I would suggest in the hundreds. I would open a store and offer Buy it Now and try and keep price + postage under $10 (unless rare). No offence, but the CDs you have currently listed are very old fashioned and wouldn't appeal to online buyers as they are skewed to an older demographic who typically don't shop online. You should do some research and check sold listings and see what CDs are selling for. There is still a thriving market for CDs and DVDs you just have to sell the right ones.
on โ07-08-2014 08:28 PM
Just like with vinyl there are many cds that are worth a (relative) fortune but the great majority are worthless. Excepting perennial sellers, cds once deleted are unlikely to ever go into production again.
Check out the Hannah and Her Sisters OST on cd.
on โ08-08-2014 01:39 AM
on โ08-08-2014 10:51 AM
I'm finding sales to be very up and down at the moment.
As to whether people still buy CD's, I personally don't, but I know a lot of people who do.
33_rpm has given some good advice in regards to upping your stock levels too. I know whenever I increase and add stock, sales start flooding in. Offer people more variety and you'll notice the difference.
on โ08-08-2014 11:39 AM
agree sales come in a rush or none at all.
2 weeks ago i had 40 sales in a week since then 3 sales until last night 7 sales in an hour.
so indeed very up & down but thats been the patten since january this year.
on โ08-08-2014 09:30 PM
Apparently not, or there would not be a dearth of sales of CDs.
Just because you and some people you know buy CDs doesn't necessarily mean a majority do, nor that your small sample would support a viable business.
on โ09-08-2014 08:37 AM
"agree sales come in a rush or none at all. 2 weeks ago i had 40 sales in a week since then 3 sales until last night 7 sales in an hour. so indeed very up & down but thats been the patten since january this year."
This is because ebay usually put their insiders at the top of best match .. every so often they momentarily switch sales on for the plebs by allowing their items to rise into the first page or two of best match and thus allow you a few sales .. this is how the legendary cassinni search engine works ; by sending the big chunk of cash to the well heeled insiders by stealing/thieving/hijacking sales from unsuspecting traders to those who have been given god status by their ebay account managers and the rest of the rabble are made to believe they are to blame for not being rated high in best match .. it truely is a disgrace and abomination for any who are not insiders .. just get used to it and don't ever trust ebay if you run a business unless you are prepared to pony up and join one of their grubby insider programs even then the nature of this beast is that it will chew up and spit out everything that enters its domain.