Seems another refund question

Sold something on ebay was wrapped very well but arrived broken the buyer has asked what to do I have told her to send pic through it was registered now my question is does the buyer lodge at PO or must it be sent back to me with reg post was $18,30 .I am not saying the item was not broken cannot see how though I am willing to refund but who makes the claim.Or do we go through paypal. .

The other funny thing I had already been on to Aust Post today about the same parcel as to why somebody else could pick it up as this happened the other week a reg item was picked up by somebody else and an item not arrived was lodged .I worked that out but just cannot understand how if something is registered anybody else can pick it up

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Re: Seems another refund question

Registered Post does not protect you from damages unfortunately. It only covers you if the package goes missing.

I know it is silly but Australia Post have made it clear many times that they "Do not provide a Fragile service".

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Re: Seems another refund question

Honored Contributor

Unless you send a registered item as "signature of addressee required" it can be signed for by an "agent" of the addressee.

My OH regularly picks up registered mail at the PO for me.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Seems another refund question

Yes with registered post articles they can be picked up by an elected "Agent" as stated by the addressee on the "We missed you card".

Alternatively anyone who can provide ID that shows that they live at the same address as the named addressee can also pick up the package. It doesn't need to be the person named on the package. Anyone in the premises can sign for it.

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Re: Seems another refund question

You can ask the buyer to take the item and all packaging to the post office and if AP determine that it was adequately packed you will be compensated. If they don't believe it was adequately packaged then you will need to refund the buyer.


Get them to send you photos of the broken item, rather than wasting more money posting it back.

Message 5 of 7
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Re: Seems another refund question

Odds on, of course, AP will most likely claim it was NOT adequately packed:-( not really in their in the best interest of AP is it? very grey area, and very bad system, one wonders how does one send a fragile item these days without it costing an arm and a leg!


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 6 of 7
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Re: Seems another refund question

Odds on, of course, AP will most likely claim it was NOT adequately packed:-( not really in their in the best interest of AP is it? very grey area, and very bad system, one wonders how does one send a fragile item these days without it costing an arm and a leg!

Of-course, AP cannot be responsible for how well the item is packed.  The only person who can make sure the protection is adequate is the person who actually packs it.

It is not so difficult to pack well.  I post fragile items regularly.  The most fragile are all individually wrapped in 2 layers of bubblewrap to protect them from chipping, then they are placed in a box with plenty of protective material around them (at least an inch).  This box is taped to make sure it cannot open, and is placed in a bigger box with at least 2" layers of scrunched up newspaper all around it = under, on the sides and on the top.

Research study showed that scrunched up newspaper has the best impact absorbing quality from all the packing materials tested.  The outer box needs to be strong enough and well taped with sticky tape to give further protection.

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