I sold a designer bag a few weeks ago, shipped the product only to realize eBay/PayPal was withholding this large sum of money. Subsequently the buyer changed their mind and opened a request to return using the reason "item Was not as described". She claims the bag isn't authentic and the leather was mouldy. I asked eBay to intervene, provided them proof of authentity and asked for the buyer to send photos to prove her claim of mould. eBay did absolutely NOTHING to help or protect me as the seller. They refused to ask the buyer to send in proof and also refused to authenticate the bag. After sending 15+ emails, repeating myself repeatedly and getting canned replies, eBay simply asked the buyer to send the bag back. This was over 3 weeks ago now. In total eBay is allowing this person to keep the bag for ~1 entire month and still allowing the return. And to top off the cake, eBay just charged me $200 for the seller fees! This has been the absolute worst customer experience. I will be telling everyone I know not to use eBay/PayPal.