on 05-10-2014 04:38 PM
Hi Everyone
I dont want to appear petulant but I could really do with some advice.
I have a Buyer who is demanding extra pics no problem but the ones she wants are already provided in the listing she only needs to zoom in a little to get a closer image.
Wants to know where item was originally purchased ,this doesnt worry me. What DOES concern me is when I look at the fb left she has negged 4 Sellers and given 2or3 neutrals in the last 12 months. She has also demanded a refund 2 months after purchase from one Seller she negged.
I have been on ebay over 6 years, more as a buyer than a seller, and I have left one neg & only one neutral in all that time across two IDs and well over 1000 transactions. Her total fb is less than 200.
I am trying to protect myself a little here and thinking I may just block her.
I would really appreciate some input from you all........
Many thanks 🙂
on 05-10-2014 04:41 PM
on 05-10-2014 04:48 PM
on 05-10-2014 04:50 PM
We had a buyer yesterday who asked a question on a BIN item, the answer for which was already given in the pics and decsription.
It was the tone of the language in the question that prompted me to take a look at the FB left for others.
The buyer only had a FB score of around 30-ish but more than 50% of the FB of the FB left for others was either NEG or NEUT. With all kinds of petty reasons stated in the comments.
So I immediately added that one onto all my special lists on all IDs. And did not answer the question.
Then today we get another message saying that they were trying to buy the item but could not and wanted help to buy it please.
We have not answered that either.
We don't need that kind of problem buyer buying our stuff. Just caught this one in the nick of time I think.
on 05-10-2014 05:00 PM
Follow your instincts. The amount of times I have had cause for regret for not doing so......
on 05-10-2014 05:02 PM
Might be a good thing, if buyers who are frequent neg/neutral fb leavers find themselves unable to by items they want.
(because sellers have blocked them due to their past fb history left for others).
on 05-10-2014 05:08 PM
While not defending the buyer, but how do you know the sellers did not deserve the feedback they left?
As for the 2 month refund, what if the buyer opened a dispute on day 45 then waiting the extra 20 days to escalate to a claim.
2 months have elapsed. And why didnt the seller report the feedback if inappropriate?
Just saying thats all.
on 05-10-2014 05:10 PM
Thanks for all your replies.
My instinct says trouble with a capital T. Most of the buyers I get who ask inane questions dont ever buy anyway but I always respond politely and answer their questions. This one has unnerved me.
on 05-10-2014 05:13 PM
Yep, agree with whats already been posted. IMO give her the "Ol Blockeroony". Then ya want be nervous anymore. 🙂
on 05-10-2014 05:19 PM
@bsal6160 wrote:While not defending the buyer, but how do you know the sellers did not deserve the feedback they left?
As for the 2 month refund, what if the buyer opened a dispute on day 45 then waiting the extra 20 days to escalate to a claim.
2 months have elapsed. And why didnt the seller report the feedback if inappropriate?
Just saying thats all.
bsal, thank you for your response. With all respect I am not sure if you are a seller or not. I am guessing not but please correct me if I am wrong.
I accept everything you are saying, and the same thoughts crossed my mind too, however, it still remains that with the new defect ratings and one sided nature of that same policy a Buyer who presents in the manner that this one has raises concern.
I am only trying to protect myself in the only manner that ebay has left me.