on 05-10-2014 04:38 PM
Hi Everyone
I dont want to appear petulant but I could really do with some advice.
I have a Buyer who is demanding extra pics no problem but the ones she wants are already provided in the listing she only needs to zoom in a little to get a closer image.
Wants to know where item was originally purchased ,this doesnt worry me. What DOES concern me is when I look at the fb left she has negged 4 Sellers and given 2or3 neutrals in the last 12 months. She has also demanded a refund 2 months after purchase from one Seller she negged.
I have been on ebay over 6 years, more as a buyer than a seller, and I have left one neg & only one neutral in all that time across two IDs and well over 1000 transactions. Her total fb is less than 200.
I am trying to protect myself a little here and thinking I may just block her.
I would really appreciate some input from you all........
Many thanks 🙂
on 05-10-2014 05:53 PM
"I am only trying to protect myself in the only manner that ebay has left me."
At least you are able to do that. I, like you, would always answer questions from potential buyers, however one does get a "feeling" that sometimes there is a bit "not quite right" with the question.
Go with your feelings and eliminate that nagging worry.
on 05-10-2014 06:11 PM
I had someone (who has never bought from me) ask why my postage was so expensive...so I blocked them! I don't want or need their business. We should do all we can to reduce the impact of the anoying buyers, leaving the playing field free for the good customers.
on 05-10-2014 06:18 PM
I am not defending the buyer at all. Just pointing out that it might at times be inappropriate to jump to conclusions about feedback left.
As to your situation, if it feels wrong then most definitely go with your instincts.
on 05-10-2014 06:21 PM
@horizon1907 wrote:Yep, agree with whats already been posted. IMO give her the "Ol Blockeroony". Then ya want be nervous anymore. 🙂
The "Ole Blockeroony" hahahaha luv it..........thanks for lightening the mood horizon lol ya made me smile 🙂
on 05-10-2014 07:42 PM
@retailtherapist_8 wrote:Hi Everyone
I dont want to appear petulant but I could really do with some advice.
I have a Buyer who is demanding extra pics no problem but the ones she wants are already provided in the listing she only needs to zoom in a little to get a closer image.
Wants to know where item was originally purchased ,this doesnt worry me. What DOES concern me is when I look at the fb left she has negged 4 Sellers and given 2or3 neutrals in the last 12 months. She has also demanded a refund 2 months after purchase from one Seller she negged.
I have been on ebay over 6 years, more as a buyer than a seller, and I have left one neg & only one neutral in all that time across two IDs and well over 1000 transactions. Her total fb is less than 200.
I am trying to protect myself a little here and thinking I may just block her.
I would really appreciate some input from you all........
Many thanks 🙂
Block !!
on 05-10-2014 08:38 PM
Good for you 🙂 We have to protect ourselves, I agree, and we must use any means we can to accomplish that. I believe that being vigilant and blocking people who make us suspicious of their motives is another very important way we can try to protect ourselves. Especially after 1st November when we will be even more vulnerable.
If a seller honestly believes eBay will protect them then they are completely naive. Ebay has told us in no uncertain terms that the buyers will be protected, fully. I am very scared of what will happen when the 180 day money back guarantee carp comes into play. These nasty buyers will have a field day with their negs, neutrals, low DSRs and **bleeping** refunds.
on 05-10-2014 10:25 PM
Sorry cats ummmmmmm just to clarify........that would be BLOCK ???? roflmao
on 05-10-2014 11:27 PM
You betcha - BLOCK EM .....
As I am sure you know, the signficant proportion of buyers you deal with will contact you if require further information and do so in a way that doesn't set off internal alarms, or give you a even a tinkle of concern.
If your own radar is picking up an unfavourable "undertone" enough to check the feedback they left for others, then I reckon just ACT and BLOCK.