Selling Multiple Books by the Same Author - allowing buyer choice but not getting burnt on post

Hi Everyone, 

I have a bunch of books by the same authors (e.g. James Patterson) and usually I'd bulk them together in a listing (say 8 titles) - usually what happens is I'll get buyers message me saying "I want 6 of the titles listed but I already have 2 of them can I swap them out"  etc. 

So I tried using a variation listing - so sellers could make their choices and "theoretically "  I could combine them at the end. This way I could give choice to the consumer (a good thing) and not have the hassle of mix and matching listings.  So I structured it the following way - large PBK's were $5 each plus $9.60 post but if they purchased more than 1 book from me, I'd absorb the post.  So it was $9.60 for 1 or all 43 books listed,

I took this approach only to cover the issue of someone buying only  1 book . 

I made a graphic (see end of question  to explain the process. So far I have had only 3 buyers use this approach successfully (all have given glowing feedback) but  I have also lost a bunch of sales (where the books are in the buyers cart!) because of the steps required by the eBay system to combine post have confounded the buyer.


So my question is - is there a way I can allowing buyer choice in a way that's simple/intuitive (you know like on other webstores)  but not getting burnt on post if they only buy 1 book ?  Note I have reverted back to bulk listings...



Ebay Instructions 2022.png


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Selling Multiple Books by the Same Author - allowing buyer choice but not getting burnt on post

Hi davewill1964. 


I've been an eBayer since 2001 (closed my original account in disgust when the then CEO stated they didn't want eBay to be a flea market but another Amazon 😂) came back in 2011 and still can't work out to automate what should be a straightforward process. 


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Selling Multiple Books by the Same Author - allowing buyer choice but not getting burnt on post

I have set a maximum shipping price for 3 items or more and just exclude larger items from the discount.

Message 12 of 15
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Selling Multiple Books by the Same Author - allowing buyer choice but not getting burnt on post

Hi eol-products,

thanks for the advice do you do this manually or automatically and though what mechanism - changing something in the flat rate, shipping etc. ? 

Message 13 of 15
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Selling Multiple Books by the Same Author - allowing buyer choice but not getting burnt on post

It has been many years since setting it up but in my listing is a check box called calculated postage rule. I just select it when I list smaller items below 5kg. If i remember there was a bunch of options on setting calculated postage rules and they can be hard to implement if your items vary too much in size. I cant remember where to find it though.

Message 14 of 15
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Selling Multiple Books by the Same Author - allowing buyer choice but not getting burnt on post

Thanks gives me another avenue to look at


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