on โ23-03-2016 09:42 AM
As a new seller I have this selling limit.
I have got only one store. My products have a relatively high postage and it would be better sending several together.
The problem is if I am not allowed to increase my lisitings there is no choice, hence people will not buy because the postage will double the price of the product. I have to charge the postage otherwise I am giving my products away!
The buttom "increase your seller limit" clearly states that you need another ebay store to increase your limit - is there a way around?
If I simply wait, how much will I be able to sell the next month and the following? My products are approx. $6.50 each and I make them myself.
Solved! Go to Solution.
on โ27-03-2016 10:45 AM
@mountainherbs-123 wrote:That is as such a brilliant idea, but I sell plants and people are very specific about what they want. I have a lot of variety and cannot offer that so far. But maybe I think of a good combination. With the seller limit I almost feel bad because the postage is so high, but I cannot give the postage for free.
I linked a credit card to my seller paypal - is that what they mean linking a card to ebay or is there something in ebay were you have to link it? (I find ebays structure a bit cumbersome).
Let's say I sell 3 out of ten items the first month, and then get three positive feedbacks, how many items could I list next month? And the month thereafter? Is there a table were I could look this up?
The next thing is that Isold some items and can't top up my items to ten.
Selling limits can be confusing at first! If you're allowed to list 10 items a month and you sell 3 this month, meaning 7 carry over into next month, you can only list 3 new items next month. The limit includes items sold. If you sell 9 this month, and have 1 carry over, you can list 9 new ones next month. If your limit is increased to 30, you list 30 and sell 10, you can list 10 new items next month. If you look down your selling page in My eBay, there will be a box that tells you what your selling limits are, both in number and dollar value. It will tell you what your limit is, how many you have listed, how many have sold and how many more you can list that month. If you reach your limit, you will get an alert message when you try to list another item.
I don't think linking a credit card gets your limit increased these days. It used to. The only reason my new account got a limit increase was because I linked it to an establised account. Even then, my limit only increased to 30. There have been a few members come through here that have RUNG eBay to request a limit increase and with some persistance, their limit was increased to 100. Might be worth making a call on Tuesday.
I noticed in your listings you have specified that you don't post to WA, Tas or NT (because you can't!), have you blocked those states from buying? Sadly, even though you have it stated in the description, you will still get buyers in those states, who will then get narky when you refuse the send the items.
on โ27-03-2016 12:48 PM
@mountainherbs-123 wrote:That is as such a brilliant idea, but I sell plants and people are very specific about what they want. I have a lot of variety and cannot offer that so far. But maybe I think of a good combination. With the seller limit I almost feel bad because the postage is so high, but I cannot give the postage for free.
I think it could still work - the main purpose of a combination listing in this case would be to show people a better value deal in search results. If you have a lot of plants around the same price range, you won't have to pick specific ones, just say something like any 3 (or however many) plants for $x
If you have several different price points, you could indicate which plants people can choose from by that, eg any 3 $6.50 plants for $X, or you can refine it a bit more and have any 3 succulents (or whatever group type you have :D) for $X, (then have a list in the description to show which group of plants people can choose from).
on โ27-03-2016 12:51 PM
@mountainherbs-123 wrote:As a new seller I have this selling limit.
I have got only one store. My products have a relatively high postage and it would be better sending several together.
The problem is if I am not allowed to increase my lisitings there is no choice, hence people will not buy because the postage will double the price of the product. I have to charge the postage otherwise I am giving my products away!
The buttom "increase your seller limit" clearly states that you need another ebay store to increase your limit - is there a way around?
If I simply wait, how much will I be able to sell the next month and the following? My products are approx. $6.50 each and I make them myself.
I got my limit increase in my first week by phoning EBay and asking if it was possible to get it increased it took about another week to get down but I had to send them copies of ulity bills and my driving license and my limit was increased to 100 once I had given them proff of who I was. Worth a try
The other thing be very careful with you postage cost you have $7.45 I AM Assuming you are posting as a parcel if the postage cost you $7.45 with Ebay and paypal fees it is actually going to gost you about $8.80 so you will be losing an extra $1.35 out of your profit. As you lose about $1, in fees, out of the $6.50 you are in fact selling each plant for about $4.15 currently make sure you are ok with that
on โ29-03-2016 06:33 AM
Thanks for the excellent replies!
I even din't know that I can block states! I must do that with future listings, because I would get into trouble eithere with ebay or with quarataine.
I cannot list anything at the moment, but the combination idea with choice seems to be a very good idea.
Lastly: you are true with the postage, but how should I do that otherwise? Not taking the ebay postage? For me it seems that postage rate to product rate are not very good.
I will phone ebay btw.