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Selling my artwork

Does anyone know if there is a best time of year to sell paintings etc?

Is anyone getting bids on their artwork at the moment?

Id love to know.

Message 1 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

Well I have noticed that if you start your listing price at a low price then you will get bidders(hopefully).Just have a look at the listings in the Art section under paintings this will give you an indication on how things are going.

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

Yes, Im trying to list low but I cant sell a painting for 99c. I know thats one of my problems.

Ill go an have another look around.

Thankyou for taking the time to answer my questions

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

I don't really know how well art does on eBay, or whether it's a seasonal thing, but with free listings I'd say it's probably worth keeping a few up and getting a feel for what generates interest. 


If you don't mind me making a few suggestions, I would consider putting subject matter into the title, as well as your name. While I haven't followed too many visual artists on eBay, I have watched some that use original graphic art in their jewellery design, and subject matter is one of the first things that will start to draw attention, then it becomes more about artist name & style after becoming established. You might also want to consider showing a concept image that helps people place your art on their wall - there are some (free, I think) programs that can place artwork in a room setting so people can get a visual on that sort of thing. 


You have some beautiful work, btw. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 4 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

I didn't suggest that you start as low as 99c.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

Sorry zelly888 I was just using 99c as an example.


Message 6 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

Hi digital*ghost. Yes, I got my 100 free listings for Friday. So I will be listing some paintings. I will take your advice and add to the title. I,ll also look around for the programs that let you put art on the wall. 

Very good advice. Thankyou

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

You have some lovely work, and are very talented.  You could also have a couple listed Good Till Cancelled, with more description in the title.  Include in with the photographs for those listings, photographs of other works.  That way if someone does come upon one the listings, they can also see what else is available.  I think it's a case of just being there, you will eventually get noticed.  I know some of my pieces have sat for 12 months or longer, going round and round, and all of a sudden bang they sell.  The trouble with ebay now, is that you don't know when your listings are going to be shown, and when they're not.  Even auctions sometimes don't get a show on first page.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

Thankyou sueken for the compliments and the advice. Ill be working on that.

I love your jewellery pieces

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Selling my artwork

No need to appoligise as it's all sweet

Message 10 of 12
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