on 26-09-2014 11:10 AM
When I try to set up a seller's account it tells me I must set up a payment method for my fees. When I try to set PayPal as my payment method it tells me I must have a seller's account first. Huh?
on 26-09-2014 09:32 PM
You could try setting it up with a credit or debit card and then change it to Paypa if you wanted to. Only other thing I can suggest is to call ebay and ask if there is a problem.
on 26-09-2014 10:39 PM
Rothe-Bil, I'm pretty sure you need a credit/debit card for a payment method - this is the method Ebay use to deduct fees. Pretty sure Paypal is only for YOU accepting payments, but I may be wrong...I was once back in '83.
on 27-09-2014 01:52 AM