Should I re-order?

I thought I would share my story of being a little over excited. When I started selling again, 3 months a go, at first I reused the bubble wrap from the parcels I received that lasted a couple of weeks. One Sunday I realised I only have scrappy unusable bubble wrap left so off I went to office works I purchased  25mx250mm of bubble wrap it was nearly $11 outrages I thought. So the nest day I looked through Ebay and found a 500mmx100m roll for under $30 so I grabbed it. A few days later this massive roll turned up me and the StarTrack guy had a good laugh about it.


Well it has been sat in my living room for nearly 3 months, which is how long the office work roll lasted, so now I will start using it estimating, by how long the small roll lasted, this roll will be going a year from now 😉  

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Should I re-order?

What to do with a giant roll of bubblewrap?


Answers on a postcard please Smiley Very HappySmiley Very HappySmiley Very Happy

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 2 of 16
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Should I re-order?

Roll myself up in it and roll down the steepest hill I can find Woman LOL

Message 3 of 16
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Should I re-order?

Community Member

To answer your question - I'd wait a bit.  Otherwise your living room may disappear under rolls of bubble wrap.  Though you could use them for extra seating.


BUT, as I use heaps of BW, did a little search, and happy to say I found a supplier who is about 5k's up the road from me, and pick up price is $24.00.   I was spending $12.00 x 25m roll at Bunnings.  So now, in effect, I'm gonna get 50m for free.  


Happy Jan!!

Message 4 of 16
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Should I re-order?

@5kazam wrote:

To answer your question - I'd wait a bit.  Otherwise your living room may disappear under rolls of bubble wrap.  Though you could use them for extra seating.


BUT, as I use heaps of BW, did a little search, and happy to say I found a supplier who is about 5k's up the road from me, and pick up price is $24.00.   I was spending $12.00 x 25m roll at Bunnings.  So now, in effect, I'm gonna get 50m for free.  


Happy Jan!!

Got me thinking and I tried sitting on it and it is not that bad a bit like what I would imagine one of them big balls is like and as I have a bad back it may be good for me. Now do I get 4 more rolls and ditch the settee and chairs 


If I was getting them for $24 the temptation may be to big for me to resist 

Message 5 of 16
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Should I re-order?

It may be best to discuss that with your OH and offspring to gauge their reaction to your suggestion before going down that path.


But you could also make another settee by getting taller rolls of bubble wrap with a few shorter ones, tape them together, and maybe no-one will notice the difference - until you start selling lots and their seats disappear from under them.

Message 6 of 16
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Should I re-order?

@5kazam wrote:

It may be best to discuss that with your OH and offspring to gauge their reaction to your suggestion before going down that path.


But you could also make another settee by getting taller rolls of bubble wrap with a few shorter ones, tape them together, and maybe no-one will notice the difference - until you start selling lots and their seats disappear from under them.

I am single so sadly there is no one to keep me in order so good chance of my place being full of bubble wrap furnite soon. Just got a couple of orders so already had to cut into my first chair

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Should I re-order?

You may end up with a feature page in 'Better Homes and Gardens', or (if they are still doing the show) ON TV!!!



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Should I re-order?






Message 9 of 16
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Should I re-order?

I thought it might help to have some alternative uses for bubble wrap, so I took the liberty of doing some googling for you. (You're welcome :p). 


1. Did you know you can use bubble wrap to repel deer? Smiley Surprised Apparently, they refuse to walk on it (true fact). If you don't want any visits from Santa this year, I suggest lining your roof with the stuff.



2. These are favoured by ninjas, I believe.

comfort AND style!



3. Become an artist. (This stuff by Bradley Hart is actually pretty cool - done by injecting the bubbles with colours - considering how, and the reasons why, I discovered this particular art medium, I do find the following quote of his both ironic, and - somehow - insulting.... Smiley LOL "On a general level bubble wrap – what I consider to be the quintessential dumb material – references the plastic nature and pixilated landscape of the current world,” said Canadian-born Hart. The injections are a metaphor for the ways we punctuate our lives with Google searches, selfies and Facebook posts").


4. Protect your virtue, at all costs.

You may pop my bubbles, but you'll never take my virginity

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