Silly Offers

The scenario:  A rather expensive, but nonetheless very competitively priced item or items, don't sell. They've been relisted a couple of times. In come the offers after the auction has closed. It normally happens with High End items. Silly offers. Not for half of the listed price, but half the cost price.


Who are these buyers who obviously see themselves as our saviours? I make this statement because of the way the offers are often worded. They also seem to be many. How did they propagate? Is there actually a plethora of sellers who will actually succumb to such silliness. I mean honestly, it does take some time to sell some items, but invariably they all sell. It's a matter of matching a buyer with a particular item. But, people who make these offers seem to think we go into desperation mode if an item doesn't sell.


It's just becoming a bit annoying. Once upon a time, in the early days,  I would politely respond  and decline the offers! because I don't like being rude. Now though, I treat them with the contempt they deserve and ignore them. Their offer is rude. Too much time wasting when you are busy.


Perhaps they score more often than I give them credit for. They've certainly got some front and must be watching things very closely.


Melina (having a bad hair day)

Message 1 of 32
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Silly Offers

I had one Wally send me an offer on an item which already had bids on it (no make an offer option) and offered less than half the price it was already up to


That one went straight to the pool room blocked list

Message 11 of 32
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Silly Offers

i had a guy contact me wanting a deal on a couple of my items, we did the deal and he said he was very happy with it but could i wait until the weekend as he wouldnt have funds until then.

so being trusting i said id delist the 2 items and relist them combined on saturday and message him.

oh, thats great he says.

so i do that.

whole weekend passes, no sale.

no messages.

so monday afternoon i relist them as original and put a block on him.


tuesday night i get a message 'whats happened, i try to buy just now and it wont work'


i answer i work on trust, he broke my trust, no more deals for him.


i hear nothing for weeks then last friday i get a message, 'so now you wont let me buy it now? did i make you mad or something?'


some just dont get it, and he never will from me now.

Message 12 of 32
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Silly Offers

What I really love is when it sells for full price to someone else soon after.

I had an item that got lost in the post last year and had to send a replacement. They didn't open an ebay case so it worked out okay. I had no suspicions at the time but when she contacted me a few months later asking to buy something else for a discount I started to wonder whether the first item really did get lost! I lost one item and the postage on it, then she thinks I'll give her a discount on the next one??

If I want to give stuff away I could do it elsewhere with a lot less effort. She's now on my blocked list and I sold one of the items she wanted on facebook last week. 🙂
Message 13 of 32
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Silly Offers

some buyers seem to think i'm skint, need the cash fast so i'll pretty much give my stuff away.


what i usually do is set my prices when i first list high so i can come down a bit and still get what i want.


but i dont need to sell, i can wait, i think of it like fishing. bait the hook, throw it in and wait for a bite.


sometimes i catch a fish quick sometimes it takes weeks or even months. or maybe an item never sells, thats life.

put it away for a while and try again in 6 months.

Message 14 of 32
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Silly Offers

I am getting so many more of these recently, especially from the US. Most of my items have make an offer, so when I have a sale they jump in to get it even cheaper. Often less than a quarter of the price on higher priced items and frankly it's insulting. I just counteroffer with a few dollars less than the original for these, I've given up being polite and having conversations.

Message 15 of 32
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Silly Offers

I had 2 items the same listed, one on each of my accounts, at $60. I get a msg from one buyer "can I buy this for $30?" Replied "no, it's $60." Then offers $50. Again "no its $60.  She ended up buying one for $60.


Sometimes I just feel like replying "where on my listing does it say "offers"


the worst ones though are on FB. Constantly offer ridiculous prices. Now, I add .....


"Do I accept offers? No, the price is as listed!


Q. Is this available? A. If it's listed it's available.


they ask if it's available, I respond yes and then never hear from them. So I don't bother responding anymore. If they "really" want they item, they'll msg to say they want to buy it.



Message 16 of 32
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Silly Offers

change the customer not the price.

Message 17 of 32
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Silly Offers

Also gotta love the international customers who say your postage is too high can you reduce it by half.

I reply by giving them the contact details of australia post and tell them to ask aus post directly as they set the prices on postage not the sellers.

Message 18 of 32
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Silly Offers

i have one now, 2 days ago messages me wanting several of my items can i do combined postage.


sure i say, let me know which ones you want so i can weigh them then i'll get you a price.


last night i get a reply with a list of items.


so i get them out, weigh them, do the calculations. send the price, items including postage.

if hes happy i'll relist them as a single item at the price.


about an hour later i get a 'yes, that is fine' thank you.


so i relist the items and message him. giving him the listing title just to make finding it easy.


then nothing, they havent even been viewed.

Message 19 of 32
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Silly Offers

@negron18 wrote:

Also gotta love the international customers who say your postage is too high can you reduce it by half.

I reply by giving them the contact details of australia post and tell them to ask aus post directly as they set the prices on postage not the sellers.

Smiley LOL


I had a US buyer who wanted to buy an item listed for AUD$3.50. I use letter post to send it OS, and I charge $4 for postage (in USD, that would have been around $3, and a bit over $3, respectively). 


She messaged me and wanted me to lower the postage cost, I replied and said no, and she messaged back saying that the postage cost was higher than the item cost and it was "the principle of the thing". Righto... I replied and said if I were the CEO of Australia Post, I'd be more than happy to lower the cost to send mail from one side of the world to the other, but since I'm not, I can't.


She never messaged back again, but did purchase. 

Message 20 of 32
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