on 20-09-2012 04:40 PM
Recently sold an item of makeup..brand new & sealed. In fact the wrapping went halfway down the product. I now see the buyer has left negative feedback for me stating "Item was not clean or in good condition"
What the??
I have emailed them but suspect they won't reply. Item was sent registered post.
Is this something I am just going to have to cop? Might not seem like a big deal to others but it is to me as I try my hardest to be a fair and honest buyer & seller.
Thanks for any replies or advice.
on 20-09-2012 05:02 PM
The longer you are on ebay the more you realise that there are some people who are impossible to please. You've sold a cheap item, with adequately priced postage, and just struck one of those buyers. Funny how they are almost always inexperienced as well.
Luckily for you it is a NEUTRAL not a negative, so your feedback remains at 100%. Personally I would have some chocolate and a bubble bath and forget about it. As soon as it moves to the next page you won't even see it, and it certainly will not stop people buying from you. You've done the right thing and emailed them, just think about their unhappy ornery lives and resolve not to let it get you down.
on 20-09-2012 05:05 PM
You haven't received a negative,you've received a neutral from a bit of a weirdo-check their feedback.
JMO but I'd ignore it as it wouldn't stop anyone from buying from you & will move of the page soon enough.
JMO-again lol- but I wouldn't even leave a follow up as it would just draw attention to it.
on 20-09-2012 05:24 PM
thanks guys...realised after I posted that it was a neutral, not a neg. But it still got up my nose 😐
Thanks for your opinions, it just clarified in my mind that it wasn't me...
I might take up the bubble bath/chocolate idea later tho!
on 20-09-2012 07:15 PM
Since you started this thread... I'd be extremely interested to learn why you left that Buyer feedback that said
Excellent to deal with...thank you AA++
on 20-09-2012 07:22 PM
Another instance of the buyer being able to leave a negative without first having to contact the seller to see if the problem could be resolved. As the buyer is very new, perhaps they were unaware of the avenues they could follow and simply thought the negative was all they could do. Maybe you could contact them to see if you can resolve to their satisfaction and ask if they can remove/revise the fb left? Worth a try
on 20-09-2012 07:36 PM
If they dont reply I would highly recommend replying to the feedback. Something along the lines that you tried to contact them to resolve the issue but no response. Lets other buyers know that you have tried to recitify issue.
on 20-09-2012 07:48 PM
I left positive feedback because from my end everything went fine.
on 20-09-2012 07:49 PM
How do I get to respond to their feedback?
on 20-09-2012 07:51 PM
I've been an d had a look around and have seen how I can respond to their feedback