on 22-02-2015 09:35 AM
Hi guys
A customer has bought an item, but i received a message from him 3 days later (today) that he "accidently" misclicked on the purchase button. I am a relatively new seller, so i am not sure what to do.
Any help please?
Much appreciated
on 23-02-2015 11:12 AM
on 23-02-2015 11:15 AM
on 23-02-2015 11:30 AM
@magpie13*8 wrote:so she said she had already cleared her account!
i said hang on, what about all the ones you said were posting to you before their cheques cleared? (she told me others had no problem with it, and she had other items on the way) ive kept all the messages.
told her no one likes a scammer, and id reported all the messages (and i did)
yeah yeah shouldnt have warned her, but couldnt help myself!!
the other seller said she bought stuff then had medical appointments, (i got the im on a pension line too) and then came back and changed the sizes, and then said she had a diagnosis and couldnt pay.
call me skeptical, but gees buying on ebay sure is lethal to relos, and your health. id love a dollar for everytime ive had that excuse. makes it hard for those in genuine need.
and yes ive blocked her.
as for my feedback, once i put the non payer through, it will be removed, and if not, ill wear it as she is the scum of the earth, and people need to know it,
So she's on a pension, but can still sit there and spend over $200 with one seller in a day (then cancel them all) and she can afford 2 airfares to England? I get mad when people throw the pensioner line with me. If you are a pensioner and money is so tight and precious, STAY OFF EBAY!!!
I've only had a few upset buyers (3 or 4 in total). One sent me a vile message saying how I had deliberately tried to rip her off because she's on a disability support pension. How dare I rip off pensioners! She had spent over $100 with me, yet then screams poor.
I think the ONLY reason I didn't cop bad feedback out of that transaction (even though I gave her a partial refund) was because I fed her a (fake) sob story of my own. I went into syrupy overdrive. Profusely sympathising with her situation because I too am a carer fo my husband who had a terrible bike accident years ago and is now totally dependant. How I can only work one day a week, which I do to have a break from him. How I'm only selling all this stuff on eBay so we can save up some money to go interstate and visit his son and grand daughter who is nearly 2 and he's never met. I got a very sympathetic reply and no feedback. 2 can play at that game!
I know that was probably a low act on my part, but I saw red when she straight out accused me of blatantly ripping off pensioners. I don't vet my buyers and ask if they are on a pension of some sort. I don't really care. As far as I'm concerned, if they have bought one of my items, they must have the money to pay for it.......regardless of where that money comes from.
If your buyer does neg you, wear it with pride. A good response will show her to be the difficult one.
on 23-02-2015 11:43 AM
@magpie13*8 wrote:
win win for us all!!
wont bore you with all the details but from the, uh hum, buyer!!
In conclusion I will be closing my eBay account so that in future I do not have to deal with someone such as yourself!
I bet she doesn't and I bet if you watch her buying activity on Watchcount she will keep buying. She seems to like clothes and handbags. I wonder if she has paid for the handbag she bought on the 15th or the chain she bought on the 8th, or whether they copped some sob story too?
I had a blocked buyer contact me a few weeks ago saying he was interested in quite a few of my items, but due to being hospitalised over Christmas, he had accumulated a few unpaid strikes. I went and checked his feedback and apart from the 2 weeks he said he was in hospital, his feedback was glowing (not that that is a really good indicator as most sellers don't leave false positives for unpaids). His profile photo was of him in hospital.
I thought it may have just been a cover to get me to unblock him, but I did any way and gave him the benefit of the doubt (with a stern warning). He bought all the things he said he wanted and paid as soon as he was finished. Yes, medical emergencies happen, but I doubt they are to the extent we see on here. I think it's just a good excuse as it's something that can't be proven.
on 23-02-2015 01:01 PM
on 23-02-2015 03:27 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
what used to annoy me was when a buyer asked to cancel a transaction, and then wouldnt respond to the cancellation request after i did it. Then i would have to wait 9 days to close the case.
Now i just open unpaid item disputes and close 4 days later
Yes, how annoying! Last time someone asked me to cancel, I sent them a message and said if they didn't respond to the cancellation request they would get a strike against their account, as they had requested it. Within 5 minutes of me sending it, case was closed!!! Low feedback buyer, so they probably didn't know any different. Not sure I'd get away with it from an experienced user.
That said, I've only had 2 requests for cancellations.
23-02-2015 04:30 PM - edited 23-02-2015 04:31 PM
@magpie13*8 wrote:
win win for us all!!
wont bore you with all the details but from the, uh hum, buyer!!
In conclusion I will be closing my eBay account so that in future I do not have to deal with someone such as yourself!
I bet she doesn't and I bet if you watch her buying activity on Watchcount she will keep buying. She seems to like clothes and handbags. I wonder if she has paid for the handbag she bought on the 15th or the chain she bought on the 8th, or whether they copped some sob story too?
I had a blocked buyer contact me a few weeks ago saying he was interested in quite a few of my items, but due to being hospitalised over Christmas, he had accumulated a few unpaid strikes. I went and checked his feedback and apart from the 2 weeks he said he was in hospital, his feedback was glowing (not that that is a really good indicator as most sellers don't leave false positives for unpaids). His profile photo was of him in hospital.
I thought it may have just been a cover to get me to unblock him, but I did any way and gave him the benefit of the doubt (with a stern warning). He bought all the things he said he wanted and paid as soon as he was finished. Yes, medical emergencies happen, but I doubt they are to the extent we see on here. I think it's just a good excuse as it's something that can't be proven.
yeah i doubt her word either, will be interesting to see, if she really has done this to others.
(how do you know what she bought, its coming up as private?) yuour way cleverer than me!!
cheers, mate, ive taken a chance in the past and its been ok, but people like this drive me mad. i had other watchers, and now have to start again, its annoying.
on 23-02-2015 05:36 PM
on 23-02-2015 08:17 PM
Hi guys
Original poster here
thanks for all your advice 🙂 i have decided to open an unpaid item case and will let you know how things fare from then on.
Thanks once again for all replies. Really appreciate it.
on 24-02-2015 12:14 AM
@magpie13*8 wrote:
@magpie13*8 wrote:
win win for us all!!
wont bore you with all the details but from the, uh hum, buyer!!
In conclusion I will be closing my eBay account so that in future I do not have to deal with someone such as yourself!I bet she doesn't and I bet if you watch her buying activity on Watchcount she will keep buying. She seems to like clothes and handbags. I wonder if she has paid for the handbag she bought on the 15th or the chain she bought on the 8th, or whether they copped some sob story too?
I had a blocked buyer contact me a few weeks ago saying he was interested in quite a few of my items, but due to being hospitalised over Christmas, he had accumulated a few unpaid strikes. I went and checked his feedback and apart from the 2 weeks he said he was in hospital, his feedback was glowing (not that that is a really good indicator as most sellers don't leave false positives for unpaids). His profile photo was of him in hospital.
I thought it may have just been a cover to get me to unblock him, but I did any way and gave him the benefit of the doubt (with a stern warning). He bought all the things he said he wanted and paid as soon as he was finished. Yes, medical emergencies happen, but I doubt they are to the extent we see on here. I think it's just a good excuse as it's something that can't be proven.
yeah i doubt her word either, will be interesting to see, if she really has done this to others.
(how do you know what she bought, its coming up as private?) yuour way cleverer than me!!
cheers, mate, ive taken a chance in the past and its been ok, but people like this drive me mad. i had other watchers, and now have to start again, its annoying.
Click up towards the top of this message on Watchcount that's in blue text, then put her name in the box and hit enter. Up comes her buying history for the last month or so!