on โ05-09-2012 05:46 PM
Not sure if this is actually an option, but in the 'My Ebay' home screen i've got it set up so that my items are visible and I can sort them by Name, Watchers, Time Left etc etc. Just wondering if i could set it up to monitor which items are getting low on available quantity because it's quite hard to monitor it by searching through all the pages.
I'm aware that you can customize the information on each item to view available quantity however I would love to know if there's a way to actually sort the item list by this.
Thanks for your time!
Upbeat Music Centre
on โ05-09-2012 05:50 PM
Do you use Selling Manager Pro?
If you do, in your Active Listings section, click on Customise at the top and tick the box next to Available Quantity, Apply. Then click on any heading to sort by that column.
on โ05-09-2012 05:53 PM
As far as I know, yes (I'm not 100% because I don'ty have the quantity showing in selling manager, but I can sort the listings by any of the columns I have chosen) - once you have set it up so that available quantity is one of the columns displayed, all you need to do is click the heading in Selling Manager for.
If you click the heading once, it will sort the listings in ascending order (lowest quantity to highest), if you click it again it will sort the list in descending order (so highest quantity to lowest). Click any of the headings to re-sort the list according to that order (generally, I sort by ending soonest, but occasionally sort by #watchers or #views just out of curiosity).
on โ05-09-2012 05:54 PM
...or, what sportandplay said, only in my voice. :^O
on โ05-09-2012 06:00 PM
If you have items that you continually stock you can set up Restock Alerts in SMP Inventory. We have found it is not 100% accurate but if you set the alert with a quantity to give you enough lead time to re-order you will have your new stock available before the quantity runs to zero.
on โ06-09-2012 02:12 PM
When i enable the 'available quantity' box, all it does is show me the available quantity underneath each item underneath 'questions' and above 'postage cost'. It doesn't come up as a heading. Does it come up as a heading for you?
on โ06-09-2012 02:27 PM
It shows in a separate column in the Active Listings section of Selling Manager Pro. Do you use SMP? You can sign up and it is free for stores.