on 06-09-2012 09:39 AM
(I see I was in the wrong forum before so I have repeated my post)
I was having trouble with photobucket uploader so photobucket asked me to change my browser to google chrome
so now the bulk uploader in photobucket works
BUT the cut and paste function from Word to Ebay description wrecks all my formatting, it just comes out crazy - large type, different fonts, line spacing, are all different and not consistent and I can't seem to fix it.
Before you ask, I deleted cache and cookies and restarted etc
Any quick fix or tip would be appreciated please – (actual tip about chrome, not a suggestion to use another browser :-))
on 06-09-2012 10:25 AM
The problem you're having isn't a Chrome problem it's most likely because you're using Word for the formatting..
Often if you're trying to copy the information from Word into somewhere else you won't get the same formatting that you used in Word, as whatever you're using for your listings doesn't have the capabilities of a word processing program
The only way (that I can see) of fixing it, is to type all your information directly into what you're using to list..
on 06-09-2012 10:30 AM
using Internet Explorer as a browser, I had no trouble with the formatting from Word to Ebay
on 06-09-2012 11:19 AM
OK.. I don't know how to fix that.. Only thing I could suggest is trying Firefox, but you don't want to do that and that's the only help I can offer