on 25-03-2013 09:44 AM
I remember seing a postage stamp theme for eBay listings, but now I cannot find it. It's not under collectables where I'd expect it to be. Is there a trick to making it available or has eBay simply removed it?
Thank you.
on 25-03-2013 10:15 AM
for browsing or for listing? I use Turbo Lister for listing items and Stamps is its own category (ie it is not a sub category of Collectables)
on 25-03-2013 03:13 PM
Thanks chezzy.
I installed turbo lister 2, entered my account details and then selected "create new item". In the new window that opened I clicked on the "Description Builder" button which opened yet another window which had list box titled "Themes" however the box is empty. I tried ticking the "Use Designer" check box but the list remains empty. Any ideas?
on 25-03-2013 03:23 PM
Sorry Mark, I misunderstood you, I thought you meant categories but I can see where it says themes in my TL also (under Listing Designer). I have never used themes, but clicking through the lists I can not see Stamps in there myself. Did you double check all the different types?
on 25-03-2013 03:26 PM
I get options of technology, other, collectables, lifestyle etc etc etc (so obviously mine isn't blank/empty - but saying that I have not updated my TL in the last couple weeks so don't know if the options would disappear if I tried to do that!!)
on 25-03-2013 07:31 PM
After you install TL and before you can do anything with it, you need to install a complete system update (under Tools). It's also a good idea to synchronize [sic] with your eBay account and do regular updates and backups. But not at the moment - the last system update screwed weights and measures into Imperial.
I can't find any 'Stamps' themes in Listing Designer. Maybe try doing a search for eBay templates - I think they're fairly cheap.