on 29-07-2013 12:05 PM
I am trying to work out the viability and benefits of opening a store as opposed to just listing items casually.
Apart from requiring about 100 or so items to list in a store to make it a viable choice, are there any other reasons to consider? For example..
I do not have multiple items to sell but instead just have random one off items that do not have a common theme.. eg I have household gear, clothes, craft supplies, garden stuff.. etc
It seems that the store may only be beneficial to those who sell multiple similar/same items with a common theme eg if you have 20 towels and 50 face washers and 10 pillow slips etc
Am I on the right track here or do people just sell random one off items please?
29-07-2013 12:25 PM - edited 29-07-2013 12:27 PM
Stores can be more cost effective depending on what you have to sell, how long it might take to sell, what format you use to sell, and sometimes which category as the final value fee charged differs for categories when you have a store, but are lower than without a store (albeit marginally in some cases).
Without a store, each listing is able to run for a maximum of 10 days, with a store they run for up to 30 days (Buy It Now format only). These are the store packages currently available: http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/sell/fees.html
In general, a store will probably be cheaper if you want to list in excess of about 50 items a month (including any relisted, unsold items), as each listing above the first 40 for a casual seller will cost $1.50 (although there have been quite a few promotional offers lately offering sellers additional free listings) and accounting for the reduced FVF, unless you prefer auctions as they're not included in the free listings for a store....unless they're in the collectibles category (confused yet? )
This fee claculator will give you some idea of what will be the most cost-effective option: http://www.fees.ebay.com.au/feeweb/feeillustrator
on 29-07-2013 12:35 PM
Good advice from d*g.
A starting point would be to research whether you would get the best price for your items by listing them as Auctions or Buy It Now. Check through the completed listings of similar items to see what has sold and how they were listed. Auctions can get better prices in some categories, BINs in others.
on 29-07-2013 12:50 PM
on 29-07-2013 12:50 PM
on 29-07-2013 09:28 PM
I find a store the best option for new items especially for multiples and variations. For second hand items I list on 2 other ids, one as auctions and the other as BIN with Best Offer which gives me 80 free listings in total each month on those accounts.