I recently had issues with Turbo Lister and Listing Analytics. Basically Turbo Lister was downloading incorrect data. Listing Analytics was not letting me search for listing ranking data (main issue) and information downloaded form Listing Analytics to use in excel was incorrect.
I contacted support and they wanted more information about the issues so I made it as clear as I could, and also said I should receive at least a month free strore subscription.
They said they would pass the information on to the tech team and all these programs are free (so I figure no free monthly store fee)
It has been a week now and no reply, how long do they usually take to work this stuff out?
Also the programs themselves are free but the data that the programs retrieve from ebay is not free and it seems to be corrupted. They even had an incorrect name for me in their first response,which seems to me like an automated thing (placing a name in an email response).