The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

Thought it would be good just to have a single thread devoted to seller promos and free listings.

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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

It is in your Seller Hub - Marketing - Promoted Listings. You can select how much you want to share with ebay, the 20% is the maximum, the more you give ebay the more visible your listing is.


EDIT: Bear in mind that the promo being discussed above is the Lite version, I have no idea where that is.

Message 11 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

Promoted Listing is when you agree to give ebay a share (up to 20%) of your sales for the selected listing(s). This is on top of FVF and all other fees you normally pay ebay anyway. In return, ebay ranks the said listings higher in Best Match. You can pick as many listings as you want. No idea what the "Lite" bit is, but I guess it's similar with the fat Promoted Listing.

You can select how much you want to share with ebay, the 20% is the maximum, the more you give ebay the more visible your listing is.


Always interesting to come here and find out the latest insult/outrage that ebay marketing has dreamed up .. obviously it is of absolutely no use contacting the ACCC about how ebay blatantly rigs the best match defraud system to favour those that pay the most as obviously the ACCC is here to make sure that international racketeers get to destroy legitimate Australian businesses/competition and rip us Aussies a new one any/every which way they desire ..

Message 12 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

It's not just eBay they ignore.


Look at all those newspapers who let businesses have full page ads if they pay more than the tariff for a 4 line classified. The hide of them. Shame on the ACCC.

Message 13 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

Is this what this thread is talking about?  The " list and sell an item using Promoted Listing Lite by 23 May and receive a $10 eBay vouche"r? 


It seems to relate to selling one item only ie you get one voucher  over the period of thepromotion?  eBay voucher - is that "cash in the Bank" or only something you can then use to buy something and so reduce the price?


I find it all very confusing -  they are certainly not talking to those learnig the ropes.


I'm new to this type of Promo having been out of eBay for nealy 4 years until recently.  

Message 14 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

voucher = monopoly money to buy lollies

credit = cash in the bank


In this case, you have to spend it.

Message 15 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

How do I use promoted listings if i don't have a store? It says you can do so through quick listings but i cant find the option anywhere to do so ... I also checked and I'm eligible for either promoted listings and the lite version too

Message 16 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

hey where is your kudos army today davewill? .. jeez usually you get well and truly congratulated for your feeble arguments ..


Okay I will spell it out just for you .. When someone is paying for visibility of an advert on an auction site it is no longer a "best match" regurgitated by some mysterious satanic algorithm it is blatantly a "promoted listing" with no grey areas or mystery about how it came to be at the top of the default search landing page .. for ebay to insinuate that a promoted listing is a "Best Match" is FRAUD ..


and just in case you have a problem grasping what fraud is: fraud is roughly defined as taking people's money by deception or "wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain" ..

Message 17 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

x3n0m, there is no need for an antagonistic tone. The eBay members here are in general helpful and friendly, and certainly give a higher quality of advice and information (usually from years of experience in trying to find the optimal ways to use eBay, both as buyers and sellers) than is to be found from eBay customer service.


I don't know Davewil personally, other than my fairly recent experiences on these boards, but I sincerely doubt he has a "kudos army". Presumably members press the kudos button when something that someone has posted makes sense, states something succinctly and correctly, or appeals to them in tone or content. Practically speaking, what good is a kudos on the eBay forums, anyway? One cannot eat them, wear them, trade them, or spend them!


If you read what the eBay member responders have posted here more carefully, I think you may find that their position is closer to what you are saying than you realise. No one here loves eBay's "Best Match" and no one here loves eBay's Cassini algorithm. No one here doubts that there is widespread manipulation of the search engine (especially by Chinese sellers who are, in terms of Australian eBay punitive action, untouchable). No one here doubts that large businesses that have been enticed onto eBay may have special deals that are not disclosed to and are not available to the average eBay seller.


What the posters here are saying is that getting up in arms and shouting for the ACCC is, in many cases, futile. It's futile not because the posters love what eBay's doing, nor is it futile because the posters are weak or sycophantic or apt to give up at the first sign of a sniffle, but for any or all of the following:


  • what eBay is doing is allowed under Australian consumer law;
  • the ACCC has been contacted and have advised there is nothing they can do in this case;
  • the ACCC is not the relevant body for this behaviour;
  • eBay's user agreement has your agreement to their behaviour;
  • attempts to contact eBay with complaints have resulted in zero action;
  • court action is costly and unless there's evidence relevant to these behaviours, a legal case is unlikely to meet the burden of proof;
  • court action is costly and even though the behaviours are not fair, they are legal, hence litigants have no case; and/or
  • the eBay members here have heard similar "calls for action" many many times before, and always with the same end result.

(There's been one successful instance of working with the ACCC - when eBay wanted to have PayPal as the only "safe" payment method - which was due to there being a genuine case under Australian consumer law. If you remember that instance, ACCC actually advised at the time that it was seeking submissions from anyone affected. It's not the case with eBay Best Match. You can and possibly should contact the ACCC yourself to get the advice directly so that you know firsthand.)


There are no doubt other reasons, but that's the gist of it, I suspect.


My own suggestion (which you're free to reject) - stop looking for enemies here. If you have antagonism towards the machinery of eBay, fine - that's not these members' fault. There are without question some awful policies in place with eBay, and there are current examples of behaviours that I think breach sellers' rights (to wit, enabling Best Offer on items with automatic acceptance at half price, without the seller's knowledge or permission.) You're honestly not going to find anyone saying that THAT is right...


However, it's very much a case of picking your battles and picking your arena.


Moreover, if you're looking for ways to make the best of selling on eBay, I have absolutely no doubt that the members here will give that to you, freely and generously.

Message 18 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

x is a conspiracy theorist. Whilst my analogy might not have been completely apt, I tend to use the same level of relevance as what I'm responding to.

Message 19 of 505
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The Latest eBay Free Listings and Seller Promotions Thread.

I thought the comparison to newspaper ads was quite apt.  The more you pay ebay the more your ads will be promoted under this scheme, same as on the other E site.  The bigger the ad you pay for in a newspaper, or in the yellow pages, or lots of other places, the more people are likely to see you and take notice of you.


All ebay is doing is copying the other craft site that has sponsored (paid) ads across the top of every page when you're browsing.  A former selling site did the same thing - you could pay extra to have your listing showing at the top of every page.  Ebay are doing it slightly differently to the others but the principle is the same - "give us extra money and we'll give you extra exposure".


If the other sites can do it, I'm sure there's absolutely nothing illegal in ebay doing it.

Message 20 of 505
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