The cheek of it!

A week or so ago a buyer (quite new) purchased a small BIN item. 


A few minutes later - oh sorry mate, can I cancel this?  We did, but let him know we were under no obligation to do so. 


He was then added to our "special" list.


We re-listed the item (he actually confirmated the cancellation with Ebay - that's a first for us!).


Yesterday we received a message, on that same item - is this still available or has it sold?


You guessed it - the exact same buyer.  We've ignored the message - what would others do?





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The cheek of it!

If they're aware of what they've done and you pander to them, all it'll teach them is that they can mess sellers around with impunity. Better to teach them right from the start that it's not just a game.
Message 11 of 13
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The cheek of it!

@wide-world-of-stamps wrote:

  We've ignored the message - what would others do?






I don't really care about cancellations too much (especially if no payment was made). I won't say it's not annoying, because it definitely can be, but there can be all sorts of reasons why a buyer asks to cancel - some you may think are a bit dubious, others perfectly reasonable, but most of the time the buyer doesn't offer me a reason so I just grumble to myself for a bit and then follow through with a "sure, no worries".


A lot of the time, this has earned me an excellent, long-term customer. One such buyer didn't provide a reason for the cancellation request, just sent a generic message immediately after buying one item, and as soon as the cancellation was finalised, they went ahead and purchased a dozen or so items (so clearly they had made an error and wanted to combine postage). I would probably have lost them forever if I'd lectured them, and definitely if I had blocked them.


If someone makes a pest of themselves, I'll block for sure, but I usually like to give second chances for situations like this. I mean, sometimes you can get a gut feeling about someone when the same situation with another buyer feels perfectly fine, so there might have been some things that set off alarm bells with this particular buyer, so I'm just anwering on a general basis. 

Message 12 of 13
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The cheek of it!

@digital*ghost wrote:

@wide-world-of-stamps wrote:

  We've ignored the message - what would others do?






I don't really care about cancellations too much (especially if no payment was made). I won't say it's not annoying, because it definitely can be, but there can be all sorts of reasons why a buyer asks to cancel - some you may think are a bit dubious, others perfectly reasonable, but most of the time the buyer doesn't offer me a reason so I just grumble to myself for a bit and then follow through with a "sure, no worries".


A lot of the time, this has earned me an excellent, long-term customer. One such buyer didn't provide a reason for the cancellation request, just sent a generic message immediately after buying one item, and as soon as the cancellation was finalised, they went ahead and purchased a dozen or so items (so clearly they had made an error and wanted to combine postage). I would probably have lost them forever if I'd lectured them, and definitely if I had blocked them.


If someone makes a pest of themselves, I'll block for sure, but I usually like to give second chances for situations like this. I mean, sometimes you can get a gut feeling about someone when the same situation with another buyer feels perfectly fine, so there might have been some things that set off alarm bells with this particular buyer, so I'm just anwering on a general basis. 

We have always bent over backwards to help buyers, or even answer silly/annoying questions, but it's really getting to him lately.


We've had a run of "high-maintenance" buyers lately and probably need to step back a bit from the interaction, and maybe also become a bit thicker skinned at times.


Thanks again everyone for your help.


Message 13 of 13
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