The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

I am a non store owner. Yesterday I had 40 free listings. Today I have 39 yet I have not listed anything. One of my sales came to an end and now sits at the bottom of the listings with a "relist item" button, which informs me that "this item didn't automatically reslist".

Investigating and getting the item number for the so-called used free listing, brings up this very item, which tells me that the item is relisted with "good till cancelled" Doing a general search for it, and yes, it is indeed relisted, but does not show as such in my items for sale. I wonder what would happen if I went to relist this item from my sales list and if it would then show as another free listing used. I have not received any email from eBay regarding these changes, nothing at all.

Your thoughts please.

Message 1 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

@gumleaf_goodies wrote:

@shoppingbag* wrote:

There should be no insertion fee if you have free listings, unless they are going to do away with free listings also. It wouldn't surprise me.  It seems likely eBay Sellers will be severely limiting their number of listings, meaning fewer sales for Sellers and less fees for eBay. I can't understand eBay's logic, unless it is that they wish to make less money.

I've been puzzling about this too. What is the advantage to ebay? I am one of those people who has drastically reduced my number of items for sale (from around 450 to 40) so my thinking is that I will no doubt sell less, and so make less money for ebay in fees. It defies logic. 

It's part of their longer-term project to make ebay more like an Amazon-style "shop".

It will, I assume that they assume, de-clutter the number of listings, getting rid of large numbers of low-sales, low-value items, because small sellers will be forced to cut back to their most likely/valuable 40 sellers, or else expand their offerings to a level justifying a store.

Message 11 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

change it over to auction, you still get all the auto free listings.

Message 12 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

We only got the email on this account, not on any of our others.
Message 13 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

you dont need to list less jsut end before 28days are up and wait till promotion you like is available and relist them.                    but i believe i know what is happening with this all fixed listing moving to good till cancelled.    on the EBAY.COM  ( USA version of ebay )    there is a new option they are trailing  . Basically you can tick a box and pick the percentage in views / visability you want at a cost  ..  i wnet upto an extra 10% and they wanted an extra $17 dollars for that option.        so if all our listings ( i assume its non store only that this is happening to but may not be )      they can better mess with things to get that option to work as they are trying to sell it..........    try it out  goto   click sell to create a listing and have a look at the bottom of the page.................................   i also read that ebay want to dump Paypal and use a different business model from somewhere in Europe  ,  so they are shaking things up  ,  which direction that help[s or hinders sellers is unknown i supose


Message 14 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

Taking up offers of free listings can be a minefield also, if you forget to cancel them before they roll over, and then get charged insertion fees if you have no free listings. I guess the free monthly listings will go next. The last time I took up the 75% off offer, it came off my free listings, then I sold two within the period and didn't get the discount, but got a discount on a doll that had been listed months earler. When I looked up the item numbers that I "supposedly" had listed on that promotion, four out of the five did not exist, the fifth was my item listed months earlier. Go figure!  I thought about complaining, but the difference in what I didn't get vs what I did get, was around $2.50, (out of my pocket) so I Iet it go, but I would be keeping an eye on it in the future.

Message 15 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

Do you have the out of stock option ticked? That could account for a sold out listing still being listed but not visible.

It would help figure things out if you were a lot clearer in your facts. What is your "sales list"? Is it your Sold page, your Active Selling page, or something else?
Message 16 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

If I had 34 listings I'm sure I'd be able to find the time to see which ones are due to rollover on any particular day.


As I only have 2400, I manage.

Message 17 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

The list of items I have for sale, (my sales list) what else would you call it?I do not know how to describe that any clearer.  I am only selling single items, no store, so I do not need an out of stock option.

Message 18 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

I agree, but with NBN in the area I lose internet connection for hours on end, then if there are storms and I don't want to fry my computer everything is turned off. Living in a sub-tropical area this is a common occurence. I virtually have to end items well before they are due to end to be safe, and that is not always desirable if there are lots of lookers, which are then lost when it ends. Having relied on eBay to roll things over in the past, it is just now an extra task to end listings. Between NBN interference, the weather, and eBay problems it really is a hassle at times.

Message 19 of 98
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The "Good till Cancelled" fiasco has begun for me.

Don't leave it till the last minute then. If we continue to get the unlimited free listings, and there's no reason to believe they'll end any time soon, just end everything on a weekend and relist them straight away. Your watchers will see a button that says "see relisted item", but watchers rarely buy anyway so there's no point catering to them.


If they end the extra free listings then so be it, but until they do I'll continue to make the best use of them. I don't expect ebay to do everything for me and nor do I expect everything to always remain the same. When they first introduced the free relists we had no right to expect that we'd always get them, especially as some countries had them reduced soon after they first got them. I think I'd trade unlimited weekend listings for 40 with AR any day, but I guess some people expect to have their cake and eat it too.

Message 20 of 98
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